
End Government Financial Child Support & Maternity Leave

110522Su End Government Financial Child Support & Maternity Leave

Having become aware that the world is cunningly being 'taken-over' by the female gender, and that certain basic responsibilities necessary of all Humans, irrespective of gender, are thus being ignored, the results of which are serving only to increase the global population and reduce the planet's ability to sustain not just Human, but all life, it has also become obvious that the various government policies orientated around securing the 'welfare' of newborn and young children, and their parents, were they continued indefinitely, are, or will be, exceedingly dangerous to the future of 'life-on-Earth'.

I realise this seems to 'fly-in-the-face-of' current accepted dogma about our apparent need to increase our population.

However, it is not the case, because Australia is being 'force-fed' an increase in population from our immigrant intake, and can be increased by some measure without continuing and increasing the aforesaid supply-and-demand stresses the whole planet is facing, if not under already, of more newborn children.

There exist Proper and scientific arguments in favour of increasing the population number, as well, of course of increasing, or keeping at certain levels a nation's birth-rate.

But globally, the science is in, and there can be no doubt that drastic measures must soon be implemented if responsible Human behaviour is to be our first priority, and if the species, anywhere near the numbers we have now, is to allow itself to stay on Earth.

Therefore, all things considered, it seems necessary to curtail these 'gifts' given by today's industrialised, advanced nations to young parents.

Clearly, the government funded financial benefits handed-out to young couples, and as oft' now, to single women, which enable them to have more children, by being financially supported during pregnancy and the child's early years, do more to reduce the Human population's ability to sustain itself, at this stage in our over-consumption, abuse and waste of resources, than perhaps any government policy.

Any government policy that-is, apart from the most urgent, fundamental worldwide need for complete re-distributing of the land. But this is not anywhere near the common call of governments today, indeed, it is exactly the opposite, which is precisely why we have over-population problems in the first place. That, however, is more complex than explainable here, and is but a distraction from this e-ssay's argument.

Also, as the current global status quo or dominant paradigm of thinking around BAD land distribution is so entrenched, in the opposite direction to a just culture, economy and thus world, and as so many in powerful places are firmly determined to profit immorally from the buying and selling of land, other approaches to minimising the impending global crises have to considered.

Also, in relation to any people having uncontrolled increases in the birth-rate, if we do not sit down and address a few serious points, other very negative factors will only increase, and contribute even more to our common, worldwide demise.

Perhaps the prime question today, is, “what is driving us to have children?”

Also, “what type of attitude, what kind of personality, what level of intelligence, what integrity, are we fostering in our children, who, surprise-surprise, grow to be adults?”

Naturally, most parents and would-be parents want theirs to grow to be intelligent, or at least 'smart', enough to get-on and get-through life with every advantage possible.

Yet, particularly, especially in this, astray Australian cultural way of living, 'intelligence' is firstly, not understood, secondly is seen as being quite something other than what it actually is, and thirdly is frowned upon and feared by the many who are of such a low-intellect that they do not even really begin to understand what it is.

And do not think I refer to some minor percentage of our population who have obvious and serious mental deficiencies, such as those poor hearts who are relegated to being categorised as 'retarded' for one reason or another.

Being ruthless in my deconstruction of the average 'western' 'mainstream' psyche, I say that the horrible majority of white, western, first world people, mainly within the Christian culture, are the most seriously 'mentally retarded' people on Earth.

Just yesterday a news item told of how Australians are in fact (hohoho-fucking-ho!) 'the world's biggest losers', in that we lose more than any other nation's people on gambling, betting, punting! That being so, cannot help but translate across into how we waste our money in other areas of 'economics' ('Ekonomia' (?): Greek, for 'efficient management of the household', or thereabouts).

A recent report told of how some 80% of people who 'invest' in the 'stock market' lose more than they gain! Therefore, it is more than safe to conclude that the majority of us, Australians and other 'first-worlders', are utterly stupid in most all arenas of life. This more than explains why the world is fast-tracking down the shitter, why the environment and the climate are haemorrhaging from all our wasteful, unintelligent actions. Actions, which have their beginnings and seeds, in how we think, or not!

Other global investigations and surveys add to this conclusion, such as a recent survey done, coming from Britain (therefore, yes, we must be sceptical, in the least, if-not suspicious,!?), in which Australia, the second equal most wasteful and opulent nation, next to the USA, won the label of being, quote, “the most sinful nation”, in that we have the lowest level on Earth of morality and ethics, and in how we abuse resources and, it is to be assumed, all other things and beings!

And more..., the science is in that we are the most materialistic and polluting people on Earth, which aligns with the previous “the most sinful nation” survey outcome.

So for any of us to assume that we are going well, or that we are on-track to becoming the smartest, most intelligent nation on Earth - HA!

Indeed, tying this into the subject of this e-ssay, it is clear that those of us having children in this recent era, are doing nothing of benefit to either their children, to themselves, to the nation, or to the planet, and Her ability to continue to sustain the Human species.

Indeed, while the Australian adult population is so stupid, and while potential parents do nothing to delve inside their own low-intellect-nay-ZERO-intellect psyche, psychology, and seek to expunge the blockages, fears, and untrue dogma about what they are and about what they need in mental capacities to both awaken their Intellect, and to ensure their offspring are most enabled in the nurturing to do the same, we are nothing but a dangerous and exceedingly stupid people-cum-potential as parents.

And, getting to the core of my argument here, perhaps the most debilitating cause of stupid, egotistical, materialistic kids, is the really dumb belief by young women, that it is more important for them to show everyone that they can bear children, than to show that they seek primarily, Wisdom, Intelligence and Honor in every aspect of their, and their childrens' lives'.

Placing their ovarian function higher on the list of priorities than their Intellectual capabilities.

This clearly needs to be stressed, if only because, in the ancient Latin language, which itself has quite a focus on the Higher Intellectual and Spiritual aspects of us, we are called “Homo Sapiens” which translates as “Man, The Wise”.

And if we do not know, then it must be made clear, that Wisdom is only attained-to by the Intelligent use of our thinking faculties.

And, rest-assured, that today, in most all of Australia's public and private schools (alas! So it is in all developed nations) the educational focus, curricula is NOT on developing the childrens', students', pupils' Intellect.

Rather, the overwhelming emphasis is on indoctrinating them to 'know' how to make money, to be successful materialists, so that they can be counted by the school and government statisticians as 'successful' which translates as being 'not destitute and homeless and wayward', therefore not in need of government or social assistance.

A well-known term here, of 'the brain-drain', where people with high intellectual abilities often leave Australia as soon as they can, because they come to know how much their mental and intellectual talents are ignored, stymied or even looked down on, by the average Australian, is one sign of our essentially brutal, unintelligent national character.

But we all know who Donald Bradman was! Aye Lil' Johnie!

The 'tall poppy syndrome' is another. But here, I put it that this often does have merit, in that too many of us are too ready to assume we are superior, when we are, in most respects, not. Classic examples of this are when a 'city-boy', or 'city-gal' moves to the rural regions, and assumes they know more than the 'rurals', mainly because they have either had a more intensive 'city' education or have lived in a 'more modern' environment.

And of course, it cannot be denied, that neither of these actually make a person more intelligent or more savvy, than a rural. Indeed, as often, all it does is make the city-joker more of an egoist. Thus, when they march-in to the country town or pub, the locals, usually of lesser educational standard, yet as quick to see a good deal or a crock, and I have to admit, usually more 'down-to-earth', and thus are more realistic about personal and broader 'aspirations', are doing the necessary thing when they mock, set-up or shun the new-comer.

It's likely that the term 'tall-poppy' came from our 'earthy' no-nonsense first world war diggers, who when in the trenches of war, could 'smell' a flawed military order, command or manoeuvre a mile away, when an officer, an 'academy-trained' theorist, usually less experienced in warfare, would march in and assert their plan on the diggers. Officers trained by the British 'poppy empire'!

As we today commemorate our fallen Diggers, from the first world war and on, by buying a 'poppy', that-is a fabric representation of the red poppy flower, I take it that World War One was when the term began. But that's supposition..... Further investigation would confirm this one way or the other, but that's too hard for the moment.

Also, though insultingly ironic, the British empire 'grew' to it's global dominance because it profited enormously from production of and eventually, the illegal trade in opium, which derives from the poppy flower. I'm sure there has to be 'a link' between the two facts.

The insulting irony extends to this day, with the British still dominating and profiting from the global heroin trade, and protect it by roping-in OUR Diggers to opium/heroin production-centres such as Afghanistan, etc., on the premise that they are fighting the cultural enemies who make the stuff, for the biggest illegal Brit-Eurapean (and USA) black-market!

Nevertheless....., Intelligence is not properly celebrated in Australia.

Indeed, every time I myself have been accosted, harassed, terrorised by public and copper-alike, and sought defence using my Intellect, the response has been torrents of insults, every time charging me with being mentally ill, etc.

And as often, such insults have come from the mouths of extremely low-intellect women, mothers, young and old, who claim to be superior, because they have had babies?

This, is why I want nothing ever to do with Australian, or white Christian society and culture anymore.

Need it be said that these spoiled females, clearly not mature enough to be called 'Women', have had children purely for the own selfish and lowest of desires, and mindlessly raise them to be no more than anti-intelligent clones of themselves, or their dumb-as husband?

Of course, today, from as young as they can, children are introduced, quite unintelligently, most unwisely, to 'magic' so in reality are taught, totally stupidly by paranoid and themselves spellbound parents, to rely upon magic for all their needs, wants and endless desires. Yet in this, there is not one grain of awareness that employment of the occult is contradictory and most debilitative of developing and awakening the Intellect.

Let it be stressed, that in the name of the Ancient Eastern Sage, Guatama Buddha, Founder of perhaps the world's Greatest Philosophical Tradition, the word 'Buddha' derives from the Ancient Indian Sacred language Sanskrit word for 'Intellect', or 'Reason' - “Buddhi”.

So for any av'rage western person to assume they are 'Intelligent' (myself included) presupposes that they have Attained to the Heights of Spiritual Enlightenment Equal to That Greatest of Souls!

Whereas, the Truth is most likely, that they have a surfeit of over-confidence, which most always is but egomania.

HA! Not in the highest of academic circles in the western world, are there any more than a rare few, who can Truly say that they are as Intelligent, Wise and Spiritually Enlightened as The Buddha!


Of my own travesty-called-'my-life'..., Indeed, being forced out of making an honest and handsome living through application of my mental and intellectual acumen in the 1990s, and against my will, onto a pension, I find that perhaps the worst offenders against a blokes Intelligence, are employed in government agencies, like Centrelink, the police, ASIO, and government departments, etc.

But any forced reduction in their ability to employ their Intellects comes primarily from the powerful within large private corporations, the most successful oligarch CRAPitalists. All, these daze, very self-satisfied Christian-church-schooled censors against a Noble and Wise Mind, Society and Culture.

Back to the topic, of the dangers of government financial support for unintelligent parents who want-want-want to 'HAVE A BAYBEEE! WAAAAH!

In pre-colonialist, pre-industrialised, pre-western cultures, population was a most important consideration, and what we today call 'Primitive Peoples' right through the Tribes and Nations, were not romantic, selfish softcocks or unaware of the fundamental importance of controlled family sizes.

These factors revolved around food and other basic supplies. If food was scarce, or if the climate was going through long droughts, the Tribes did not loosely breed more children.

But today, in places like the opulent and over-supplied nations of the 'first world', utterly juvenile government policy-makers, ever-on-the-search to satisfy fickle and themselves juvenile voters, are dreaming-up 'family-friendly' polices which fly-in-the-face of the larger reality, that the planet cannot sustain unfettered increases in the Human population.

While many young married couple's circumstances are reasonable and are such that they genuinely find the need for government or other financial aid, in this extremely selfish age, there are as many if not more, single women and young couples who see the hand-outs from sycophantic governments unbelievably and chillingly as ways to finance themselves through future years without having to 'go the hard yards' as-they-say, and do an honest days, weeks, ten-to-twenty years work to support themselves and their children.

In the 1980s or thereabouts, Australia's federal ALP government did what probably was the right thing, and began providing single mothers with monetary support.

When this began, I, in my occupied mind, saw that the status quo in Australia, of mothers relying on their men for financial and other support, had many detrimental sides to it. One being that men were not being challenged to look at themselves, and at their dated and severely brutal psychology, thus, behaviour towards their wives and children.

With this being 'the norm', families were staying in the dark ages, psychologically and in how they raised the kids. Thus, kids were merely growing up to be nothing better than the draconian, anti-intelligent personalities of the older generations. I think that the government, I think it was the Labor government, knew that times were changing, and that if this did not change, the population would fall even further behind the rest of the (first) world, mainly Europe, and domestic and thus social degradation and violence would destroy the very fabric of our still new, still evolving nation.

So they introduced the single mother's pension, which enabled young mothers, especially those caught in a marriage with an immature, and rough, male chauvinist husband, to do the best thing for the child, and leave the brute, while being financially supported by government, and thus becoming more independent.

In order to break that dangerous stereotype, and give young children a more gentle beginning to life, a beginning which thus allowed them to grow in an environment without fear of a drunk and narrow-minded father, etc., was absolutely necessary. But let it be said, that these poorly states of fathers, was never their own fault, but was caused by an utterly draconian culture, still even in the 1980s, beholden to slave-like employment conditions and wages, forcing the 'bread-winner' off each day to endure hardly 'enlightening' workplace situations.

No doubt, many today in 2011, have no choice but to go to work in similarly appalling work environments.

Thanks, IMF!

But, with immense politicing and social lobbying over the decades, and centuries, conditions for children and young mothers have changed a lot, such that kids and mothers are as often, spoiled.

Today, it has come to a situation where young women believe it is their right to have children, and, terribly, having children is seen by them as their 'right of passage' to being or becoming a woman.

But worst of all, and most heinously selfishly, more and more women see having children as the key to 'easy street'. With maternity allowance, paid leave during and after pregnancy, and government and employer-paid benefits for the first few years of the child's life, a lot of them see it as 'the way to go!'

Especially if they can sort it so they don't have to keep a man around!

All too often, these females refuse to ethically consider why they are producing another Human life, which is actually purely for their own egocentric desire/satisfaction/pleasure/self-confidence/egotrip, etc.

Now, even as a sworn misogynist, I am balanced enough to see the that the point about breaking the appalling chains, remnants of the brutality of our convict heritage, has merit, once more, if the men are not themselves living, and thinking in mature, that-is Intelligent and Wise ways. But, hey, women are at least as often, immature!

It is after all, 'culture' which determines the social mix. Indeed, once more I assert that our fallen Judeo-Christian 'cults', have a great deal to answer-for!

It should be clear to everyone, that as well as there being too many people on the planet now, women, and men wanting to be fathers, are not in general, considering the larger picture of the fact that the planet is way-over-populated, and for whatever reason, or unreason, they focus only on their own feeble and insatiable, unwise desires, and go about having children.

A terrible factor in this is that they are having children purely for their own selfish desires, as said, because they see their ability to do so, and their being able to show the world that they are fertile and able to reproduce, as automatic passages to being adult, mature, someone who has to be listened to, etc etc., thus automatically they have rights and can shout down men or others who have no children.

These are not qualifications for women or men to assume seniority in their society and culture.

And they are definitely not what Qualifies one-or-many to vote-in the disgustingly similarly selfish, right wing, low intellects on offer as political representatives!

However, as society, and the individuals within it, are out-of-control today, and seem to assume the right to DEMAND whatever THEY want, and thus are becoming ever less mature and considerate of the wider, now global situation, and as winning government money to support having more children is part of that hubris, support of attitudes which clearly are not Wise, Intelligent or Honorable, it is not uncaring at all for governments to cease paying child support and other benefits to clearly selfish immature adults, because the adults can see 'an opportunity' to cream money from the public purse to satisfy their own lowest, selfish genitalian desires.

If the people are so immature and selfish, which may interpret as insane and unintelligent, then it is properly the role of government to act, as Wisely and considerately as possible, to curb the factors which contribute the most to shortages of supplies in the future.

Obviously presently pregnant women, and caring mothers with dependent children cannot be all-of-a-sudden 'cut-off' from benefits etc, and there are a plethora of non-financial ways to support parents with dependent children.

So, for the sake of the future, the benefits doled-out to young parents should be stopped in a year or so, to pregnant women, purely in order to stop those who want kids for unsound reasons from having them, and thus to avoid doing their fair share in society.

But mostly, to stop them unthinkingly contributing most to the already over-populated planet, and the impending Apocalypse.

Personally, I hold NO hope that any of this will come to fruition. It is all but thoughts divined, if-I-may, from the Super-Conscious, Universal Mind.

Lastly, as all governments are in-the-red nowadays, with ballooning public debt, and are looking desperately for ways to balance their budgets, this would save them enormous amounts.

But of course, as said, there are other, and more-than-likely more effective ways to give support to pregnant females and young parents, without often loose doling-out of public money to satisfy personal desires.

Perhaps the education system is where they should first look for necessary reforms, so that children learn Wisdom to know what Priorities MUST come first, as they grow into adults.

Surely it stands to Reason, that honing the child's mind and body to it's Highest Potential is Primary in all nurturing and schooling, and surely it is obvious that today's curriculum, public and private, fail dangerously in doing that?

Where then, to look?

After some 40-to-100-plus years of Eastern Wisdom spreading across western Societies, the Physical Arts of such as Yoga, and the Sublime Martial Arts of Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Et Al, are recognised as contributing maximally to the person's Higher Spiritual development? So, why are they not standard parts of all school-curricula?

OH! Western, white, Christian superiority complexes in high places!

Narrow, discursive, noisy Christian minds will revolt at my suggesting that the Eastern 'Martial Arts' be taught to children. But, as usual, they fail completely to see the full picture of an Oriental Martial Art School and the other aspects of what they teach their Students!

Because absolutely integral in such Instruction, is the development of Wise ways, of mind and body, such that the now near-as forgotten Arts of Respect, Filial regard, Duty to oneself and to the wider society/world are counted as even more important than the ability to put one's fist through a pile of tiles, or another's defenses.

It is clear to those who have had Proper Instruction in such as Gung Fu, Tai Chi, Et Al, that the young mostly white, western idiots who rage out-of-control at nightclubs with violent abuses of these trained deadly physical skills, have grown up in deeply unwise and flawed societies/cultures. Societies and cultures which have long ago forgotten the True Value of simple Respect of one's own learned skills, of the danger of abusing them, and of how to treat other people.

Were such Martial Art Schools allowed to Teach students as they did in the past, giving full and round instruction in the other as-important areas of development, the students would shine, as Beacons of Maturity, I have no doubt, once out in the wider, horrendously degraded, ignoble modern western societies.

But perhaps the Supreme Art, above all Arts, is that of Raja Meditation. 'The King of Yogas'!

Alas! Then, there needs-must be as standard, classes, from the earliest schooling, in the Sublime Mental Arts of Philosophy, in which we learn to be not afraid of looking into our own Souls, and thus learn what is Good, Right and True in there, and thus nurture in ourselves (in the child) how to think, and thus how to Act, with Rectitude, Wisdom, Intelligence and Honor.

And, moment-by-moment, how to be Still, in the mind.

The Natural Condition of the Mind, is Silence!”

Just, as it happens, how the Wise Aborigine Cultures pre-western colonialism, taught their young. If they had any need to expunge errant and 'noisy' demons from their young ones' minds?

What, would un-Hollywood, in-Salt Lake City and the wine-Vatican, make of that?

And, 'Strauss-Kahn'....?

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!