
Ratko Mladic, hero or devil?

110527F Ratko Mladic, hero or devil?

Well-well! ANOTHER anti-Babylonian Warrior arrested by the global tyrants!

From here, no-one is to know whether the latest leader of the Serbian army to be captured really was a baddie, or not, but as he has been thoroughly demonised by the Zionist Australian SBS television news this evening, we can be fairly sure that he had some ennobling Qualities, and also that at least some of the alleged 'atrocities' committed while he was the Serbian General, were justified, against the other side, Bosnian Moslems, and no doubt other forces more central to Eurape's dominant whitefaced empires.

Once more, we are being told that all the war-crimes committed during - surprise-surprise - WAR, were/are and always will be it seems, ordered and commanded by such Patriots of their own People, and by those leaders alone.

Like, y'know, the western powers, their elites and military forces NEVER committed war-crimes or atrocities...?

Like.., y'know..., MI6 and the CIA, or Mossat, or the Russian FSG, or any of the Eurapean secret service spy agencies NEVER sent snoops in to a sensitive, volatile region with crucial strategic factors of interest to the evil warmongering sons-of-bitches over there in Paris, Rome, London, Moscow, Washington or Tel Aviv, or Madrid, to start a dispute between old local tribal enemies?

NO-O-O-O! The scum on top of the pool all scream in unison.....

One British boffin with a sherry bottle in his mouth interviewed on the SBS bulletin, said that Mladic was ruthless, and '….had no respect for the rules of war'.

And a HOHOHOHO to that pommie ponse!

Of course, the British, and their Eurapean counterparts in the dividing-up of the world and the ongoing genocide, plunder, theft of resources, land, and people's lives, over the last 500 years, have always followed the rules of war, haven't they, Lord Ponse? Got an office in Whitehall, 'ave ya?

Bet you've got a nice large-ish estate and manor somewhere in the country too! And five acres of rental apartments in inner London....

Why, just ask the Azerbaijani's, or the Armenian's, who lost some 300,000 people, men women and children, in the 1990s, thanks especially to MI6 agents who went Hell-for-leather at ignoring '...the..., rules of war....!' stirring the possum in that oil rich region, and setting the scene for the two peoples to go to war?

And what for? Well, my ol' chum! British Petroleum, y'know, BP, or, more latterly, BIGGEST POLLUTERS, saw an opportunity in the region, so put it to their-er-our agents to see what was possible.....?

And what was possible Sir Ponse?

WAR CRIMES, of course, son! WAR CRIMES! How the lord else do you think we won so much for the British Empire?

And what role did 'ethics' play sire, in Britain's 400 years of global plunder?

'Well, darlink..., we had to play by the rule of no ethics, otherwise we would have had to take a serious look at ourselves, wouldn't we? And as you know the British excel in laughing at ourselves, purely to avoid LOOKING at ourselves, and at our 'lost tribes' mentality, of fuck the rest, plunder the arse off them and laugh all the way to the bank of England!

HAHAHOHOHAHOHO, and a hehehehehe! Once the microphone's are turned-off!

Thank you, Lord Whiteface...

And where else can we look to see evidence of the British and the Eurapeans, ignoring the rules of war?


One wonders, if the upper middle class street PROTESTERS currently at-it in Madrid bitching against the Spanish governments cuts and general economic fuck-ups over the last ten years-cum-fifty decades, are willing or able (a hard call, I admit!) to go to the issues which underlie Eurape's enormous economic advantage over the third world it created over the last fifty decades, and the global environmental catastrophe brewing in the upper and lower atmosphere, in the oceans, and under the earth's crust in the molten boiler-room of the hot-hot-very hot and angry Spirit of our Mutha Eartha?

Will any upper-middle-class Protesting Collective in Madrid, incorporate the Basque's Noble fight against that same Spanish hegemonic oligarchy, and the other Freedom Fighter Organisations who have never been fooled-blind by the bribes of more wealth and more destructive materialism, such as OH NO?? He's going to include ARGHGHGHGH! Al Qeida! The Taliban! The Mujahdeen! Hezbollah! Hamas! Gunai Warriors! Wadeye Warriors! North Korea! Cuba! Zimbabwe!!! ????

Ratko Mladic ?

Dignity, Comrade? I dunno, anymore?

Going by the last couple of Champions who they've sent to the noose or gallows, for crimes they did not commit, I really wonder if Dignity is worth it in this day and age, on this western-decimated planet. Maybe it is at least as dignified to plead guilty and accept a reduced jail sentence, rather than give the sadistic, malicious and seriously mentally retarded fucks and their seriously mentally-AND-legally-retarded lawyers in the halls of power in Eurape the extra pleasure of watching another Resistance Warrior lose their head?

Years ago it became obvious to myself, that anyone who takes a stance against these evil mainstream elites, no matter how heroic they were made to appear and to feel, would end up being demonised to death by the same elite scum (MI6, CIA et al) who built their egos and reputations up to taking the Righteous Stance and bringing on a Revolution or such in the first place.

As I wrote on this blog around the 2010 Australian federal farce we called an 'election'....

Leaders, they make 'em to break 'em!”

If it's any consolation, at least they didn't raid your camp with S.P.L.A.T. Operatives-on-amphetamines and blow your head off!

If I were in the same boat, Comrade, I'd spend my time putting together a dossier of THEIR atrocities, over the last, say, 50 years. 150 years. 1500 years to present to the tribunal, as a counter to their charges.

As usual, they will ignore any FACTS, which incriminate them, but whatever the outcome, at least some media will broadcast what you've collated and you will, perhaps posthumously, be known to be a Righteous Warrior to those who hear of your defense.

Y'know, we could take the bastards to court and castrate their balls for every genocidal thing that's happened for the last 6000 years, since the lost and deeply psychopathic flockers of Judaism were kicked out of the Garden of Wisdom!

But.., even then, they'd find a lawyer to twist it all around so that they would appear as the saviours of the Human race, and not the idiots who brought our destruction on, and who called the nasty aliens down.

Stay True, Comrade.

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw, for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!