
Tornadoes, Carbon pollution, Cultural Sustainability, etc.

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Tornadoes, Carbon pollution, Cultural Sustainability, etc.

In Joplin, USA and other southern towns, tornadoes have wrecked suburbs and whole townships, leaving hundreds, thousands, thus far, homeless, and whole communities devastated.

Local governments and the US federal, can only give provisional support for so long to the residents left without homes.

Thus far, it's assumed that homes will eventually be rebuilt, and hopefully, the owners'/tenants' lives will return to 'normal' or to what life was like prior to the weather events.

However, while various politically-read-corporate 'conservative' stoics deny that the climate is changing to any prolonged and detrimental extent, plus deny that the so-called 'climate-change' is man-made, the scientific research provides us with undeniable evidence that we are excessing in our use of material resources, and that that is causing the larger global climate to change violently and negatively.

Material resources which have forever, provided the environmental balance, such that weather, which is intimately integrated with the natural coverage of the land and oceans of the globe, or, is intimately integrated with the foliage which covers the globe and keeps the whole eco-system in a sustainable balance.

Excessive depletion of these, from forests, to land animals, to the biota of ocean life, is clearly linked to the upset we now see often daily in places everywhere on Earth in 'extreme weather events'.

So, to now, the mainstream, predominantly right-wing foreign media, controlled by seriously psychotic megalomaniacs from the power-centres of Britain and Eurape, have given dangerously biased reportage and so-called 'opinion poll' surveys in-the-main against our government taking decisive and positive action to reduce, recycle and re-use our resources, and to entice all Australian industry, from plastics and associated manufacturers to agriculture and mining, to go hard at reducing their 'carbon output'.

These little-less-than-evil media cabals, predominated by Rupert Murdoch's 'News International', and Murdoch's heavily disproportionate influence across the nation's (and globe's) media corporations and networks, are psychotically intent on destroying the Catholic Labor government, it appears more for their being 'not Freemason' than for anything near to being opposed to their methods and beliefs about 'Good Government'.

Clear to most, most who have attained to a minimal level of Intelligence, such that they are able to discern facts from fiction in media news broadcasts and print, the whole political process has been reduced to a game played by 'winners' in a seriously dysfunctional oligarchy. 'Winners' and 'wannabes' who now are so lost in the fight to beat 'the opposition', the competition, that they have completely lost sight of the bottomline of governing to accommodate and provide all their citizens with their full needs. Needs enough, for the polity to be able to have time and Wisdom enough, to define and seek their own personal, familial and Community 'wants', as-in entertainment and the like.

But perhaps most importantly, for the polity to be settled in mind and heart enough, to be able to learn and discern what is best for their own family, council, state and nation to be most economically governed.

For, while it may still be a brave assumption, it is possible that nowadays, most of us recognise that a properly economically governed people is synonymous with an environmentally-balanced world.

That the most wealthy political representatives, of the 'right-wing' political parties, refuse to admit that this is so, or that they are so steeped in right-wing 'me-first' propaganda, propaganda which is imported from the planet's psychotic colonist power-centres of - Britain and Eurape - and that they apparently have almost half of the voting public's support, indicates that 1, the voting public is at least half, seriously mentally ill-that-is-evil, which translates, in political affairs as extremely selfish, and 2, that the so-called 'representatives', are not at all interested in the well-being of the whole of the population, and thus, treat the less-wealthy as dispensable slaves.

So, in regard to tornadoes, carbon pollution, cultural sustainability, and climate change, as said, those of us who are not blinded by either cult political 'side' and their 'spin', and who are fed-up and long-suffering because of this upclub game of 'winners and losers', made-Wise somewhat on the short-and-long term effects of this uptop, upclub, upemselves battle, are more organised than ever, and are taking things into their own hands.

More, much more than the mainstream or 'Alternative' media are ready or able to face and admit, social, business and political 'events' are being orchestrated by an increasingly united global underworld.

Until recently, the world's 'underworld' has been firstly, fighting the staid and anachronistic, draconian 'establishment' for more of 'the pie', of what it takes to live something near to a comfortable, secure and happy life.

On top of those ongoing battles by the underworld against 'the law', corrupted to the extreme though 'the law' of the establishment has been for centuries-nay-millennia, most all of the world's underworld, criminal groups and networks have had to compete in a totally unregulated 'market' for the spoils of crime against each other.

Like powerful empires and nations, crime organisations grow and have for perhaps thousands of years, (yes, if we consider that the largest and most powerful, most expansive nations have carried-out their empirical 'missions' by disregarding the underlying, essential laws and customs, thus the most dominant nations and empires are themselves but criminal organisations!) and thus have become international, and now global networks.

Even then, or until very recently, the largest 'private' underground criminal groups have been at war with each other, fighting underworld wars for the spoils of one local region or another.

But now, the largest criminal network, of Zionism, has been identified by the mass of anti-establishment crime groups, as the common enemy.

And, as each day passes, previously viciously competing global underground networks of violent crime gangs, are calling 'cease-fires' with each other, and are starting, perhaps for the first time in Human history, talking peaceably, and are banding together, having been brought to realise, through the haze of the small wars each of their Warriors and Commanders are forced to embroil themselves in and fight each day, that the sum-total of their wars, and of the larger anti-establishment wars, and of the wars between competing global establishments, have gone more-than 'far-enough', because they are seeing that the sum-total of this carnage and rampant destruction, is destroying the whole planet.

What to do?

Firstly, like any good militia and it's 'intelligence' organisation, they have sought to properly identify what and who the enemy is.

But that involves digging deeper, and identifying how the 'enemy' deploys it's 'evil', which is not always obvious and overt and personified.

'Culture', is the method one type, group or another uses to sustain itself, and it does not take too much to discern which methods are or are not for the greater, longer-term Good.

'...The greater, longer-term Good....,' has always been that which is 'for the good of all'. Not merely for one group, but for the larger, never actually known, whole.

The Correct Methods for the Sustenance of this 'Greater Good', are 'The Law'.

Therefore any methods which are antipathetic to the Greater Good are breaking 'The Law', thus are criminal or illegal.

So it is with the mainstream, dominant paradigm of today's expansive and seriously dysfunctional selfish global culture, which is known by 'climate scientists' 'Greens' and cultural dissidents-alike to be causing the increasing number of 'extreme weather events' we hear and see through the media.

But, as this giant culture has become but a mindless machine, Soulless, heartless, and totally without Reason, Intellect or Wisdom, and certainly without Honor, it has become an all-consuming unstoppable juggernaut.

Of course, it is sanctioned and powered by Human beliefs, contained within human minds. Minds indoctrinated to such belief-systems by the slaves of the juggernaut. Most-highly-paid slaves, but slaves nevertheless.

Slaves who have been so 'roped-in' that they cannot believe that they can either escape the 'system' or do any worthy thing to stop or correct it.

These slaves, this 'system', are/is what most all labelled 'criminal networks, gangs and organisations' are most ready to resist.

With the advent of telecommunications and the offshoots of internet media and 21C electronic 'comm-media' (mediums of communications) the mainstream has increased in it's fanaticism of crapitalist psychoses, thus has intensified it's unsustainable behaviour.

However, counter-cultural 'dissident' behaviour has also been accelerated, ironically in pace with the degradation of the global environment and destructive tendencies of the mainstream.

But while the Zionist establishment holds tenaciously to it's upper, dominant and thus more powerful position, the underworld is growing considerably by-the-minute, and are by now in a more powerful and organised position than ever, to challenge and, by sneaky, underhanded, and remorselessly brutal means, able to put millions of 'axes' at the trunk of the establishment tree.

As well, the newly united underworld are up-to-speed on the secretive methods the world's elite witch-monarchs and priest-classes have used to oppress the 'Revolutionary Spirit' of the Masses for thousands of years. Thus equipped, the new Honorable, more than ever Intelligent, and in Combination with the Noble Indigenous Tribes of Earth, underworld are deploying the secret powers to undermine and seriously disrupt the establishment's hitherto all-powerful control of resources and media and finance, etc.

If we consider that the dominant methods of accommodating, feeding and occupying the masses, is but one huge crime against, 'The Law' of Sustainable Living, then we can see that these have to be challenged.

As with the 'methods' the establishments of the globe have used, primarily of 'by whatever it takes', or 'by any and every means' to acquire their upper hand, which translates as 'breaking 'The Law', so too are the underworld forces undermining the oligarchic tyranny.

So, dramatic, and on the parochial, local and personal levels, tragic events, are occurring, such as massive tornadoes, huge cyclones, freezing storms, which have paralysed entire continents and seriously disrupted many multinational corporations' and small business owners' operations. All, totally compliant to and subsumed by the 'illegal' culture of the Zionist hegemony, which leads them in totally untenable, unsustainable and most-criminal behaviour.

Obvious examples of such powerful counter-establishment disruptive activities include last Christmas's Eurapean and north American chill, which closed most airports and brought most transport networks to a halt, essentially trashing profit-taking by the retail corporations etc. The tornadoes that wiped out huge suburban housing areas in 'Joplin' and across Alabama, USA, etc., and the ten year drought across Australia which caused food shortages globally and ruined profit-taking by selfish large land-holder corporations and farmers. And the floods which washed down on Queensland earlier this year, and the floods surging down the Mississippi River in central USA lately, are other examples.

The list goes-on-and-on. And, it will never, from here forward, cease, while the dominant Zionist powers insist on keeping totally unsustainable activities sanctioned as acceptable, while they are doing so much damage to the world we all inhabit and so fundamentally depend upon for our survival, now and forever into the future.

Defining the least acceptable 'activities' sanctioned and insanely promoted as 'good' for us by mainstream media and multinational corporations, is being done daily by our 'Climate Scientists', 'Natural Economists', Greens, and their supporters and advocates.

Supporters and advocates, who range across all societies, and are not confined to the upper middle classes of western Christian cultures and schooling, who feed the corporate machines with the 'fodder' they need, of human resources to fill offices and management positions, etc.

Supporters and advocates who, not needing of any 'sophisticated' levels of 'Intellect', can still define the methods Zionism deploys to sustain itself of, bad agricultural practices, bad marketing, retail, production, promotion practices, and bad products which are unhealthy for consumption.

Supporters and advocates who are ready, willing and able to go out and disrupt the mainstream methodology, thus, from small, local, to large global operations, can effect such chaos across the mainstream board that, with only a slight increase and intensification, the Rebellious Outlaws - Global - can cause the dominant tyranny to implode in mere weeks, where once it took decades, even centuries.

But Alas! A Proper view of all Human history would see that all of Human history has been but an ongoing Revolution against 'illegal' powers, methinks.

Therefore, while the media, in part rightly just reports these disruptive events, and gathers comments from presidents and locals alike, about how long it will take to 'rebuild' and 'get back to normal', etc., Outlaws Global know that 'normal' is but a blinding term which denies that 'normal' is not at all Normal, but is in fact a long-evolved seriously errant custom, methodology of how we live, and is totally counter to, or illegal, in terms of how we should live, if we are to Live within 'The Law', thus legally, thus, Ethically, Environmentally Sustainably, etc.

So, for those who are sadly, consumed with their daily concerns of paying the mortgage or rent for a 'home', and those who have been hit by devastating tornadoes, storms, unemployment, food shortages, excessive utility bills and disrupted financial communications, banking etc, I, possibly the Spokesman for Outlaws Global, firstly say, you are in my thoughts, and I 'feel your pain' as the saying goes.

But I emphasise that what you have been seduced or conned into believing is 'normal' in your totally illegal, unsustainable housing models, employment models, finance models and models of hope for the future of your own lives, those of your descendants, and societies, are in fact almost completely abnormal, extreme, thus are illegal, and thus, either by Positive, Ethical, Noble and Honorable, Wise and Intelligent Human behaviour, or by the Superior Will of Powers Greater than any one or many of us, will continue to be undermined, disrupted, and dissembled, no doubt taking many many lives along the way, but massively less than the illegal war-path the dominant powers have taken over the centuries, and replaced by Proper, Ethical Law-Abiding Methods, of housing, employment, consumption, and leisure, etc etc., until the end of time, and/or the end of the current trends of outright and insane tyranny.

It may take one or a small clique of 'leaders' to bring this about, but the main body of the Work of making Right this seriously astray world has begun, and has been acknowledged as the way to go, by a fast-growing, already huge percentage of the Human population, such that 'leaders' are no longer necessary.

Thus, no longer do we need these absolutely corruptible forces and cults which deludedly believe and deem that power has to be centralised, in Rome, in London, in Washington, or Salt Lake City, for example.

As the Wise, Green term says,

Think Global, Act Local!”

'The Law' has to be implemented Globally, of Sound, Scientific Economic and thus Environmental Methods of Living - Chiselled into the Rock, of all Local and National Cultures, Constitutions, Communities and Creeds, and permanently on display for all to see and imbibe into their minds, hearts and muscles, such that they are strengthened against any attempts to undermine 'The Law', and on the first signs of corruption, together, jump to and defend, THE LAW.

Only this way, will we, as one planet of multifarious kinds, cultures and kin, evolve beyond the need for that totally corruptible, illegal concept of major impersonal governments, and their machinemen military juggernauts.

Until such is recognised by the current powers-that-be, in the highest reaches of power, Wise, Intelligent and Honorable REALPolitik Outlaws will continue to undermine the illegal activities and methods of bad culture, 'by any and every means'.

No military force, or draconian government legislation, or police force, can now stop the Righteous from doing their thing, for the future of all on Earth.

Not, the preferred way, it must be said.

But as the idiots on top of the pyramid are so stubborn, and paranoid about facing their own demons, and will not change course, to a Totally Environmentally Sustainable Culture, the Honorable and Wise Warriors of this small planet, are prepared to take it upon themselves, to correct the untenable, horrendous situation, those lost tribes have stupidly forced upon us all.

As for the tornadoes that struck across the USA of the last few weeks, I divine that the Freemasons are 'flexing their psychic muscles', and as likely are targeting African-American, or non-white areas. No doubt, they like Christians, have little sympathy for any who are not of their cult, and hope to destroy everyone else so they can capture the ever-precious land.

Whether the Freemasons are doing so, they are also, in this, doing things which bolster my thoughts and beliefs on Humanity's urgent need to restructure how we live together, and that the standard, nuclear family housing and nurturing models are now known to be hugely destructive of Good Community, and have, by all and any means, to be moved away from.

Once more, if the economic powers-that-be, in such as Wall Street investment and banking 'houses', and other top-end economic establishments in Britain and Eurape, do not change course and, in that, begin to steer Humanity onto more sustainable living circumstances, and with that, more 'Ideologically', 'Environmentally Sound' methods, cultures of earning a wage, etc., then carnage is all a large lot of us can look forward to.

Western military governments have no longer to fear Freedom Fighter threats from such as Al Qieda, Et Al, or from painted demons like Iran, or North Korea.

From here forward, while the mainstream powers-that-think-they-rule-the-world do not adjust to working within 'The Law' of 'Environmental Sustainability', more heinous and destructive forces will be unleashed upon your own nations, as oft' from within, and as oft' from your own Citizens, who are in fact far more Patriotic to your nations than most any of the insatiable, materialistic, selfish CRAPitalistic mainstreamers, or politicians whom you allow a voice in your parliaments and political halls.

In the Book so many western nations and cultures regard as their Holy Scripture, advice given by Jesus ben Joseph, as I recall, to an inquirer, was to '….give away all your possessions....' ('….and take up your cross, and …..etc).

It is a sign of just how far off the Path the majority of western so-called 'Christian' people and churches have strayed (or is it just that they are so dumbed-down by the Murdoch type media, etc,) that they cannot interpret the words of the likes of Jesus?

For it should be clear to the Wise and Intelligent, that those words '….give away all your possessions....' mean that we should not be selfish in life, and that, therefore, we are here to share all such objects. Not, for a day, or a short time, then claim them back into our grasp, but forever. This, does not necessarily mean we should never hold or use, to our necessary physical and social advantage anything. But that all things are for sharing, as we would if we trusted each other, and if we lived as a True Community.

Therefore, we would live sharing everything, the bits and tools we need to make work easier and more efficient, more productive, and the teaching and nurturing a Good Community needs to be Strong, Secure and OH NO Happy.

In 'modern' terms, though millions of American and western 'Christians' will baulk at the suggestion, this really means that Jesus ben Joseph was instructing us to be Communists.

It is no coincidence, that Communism is the most efficient, most economical, and thus most Environmentally Sustainable way for Humans to live.

This, in this long, long astray culture, is what 'The Revolution' is, and has always been about.

Invoking 'The Law'!

So let's see the US Republican presidential wannabe candidate, Sarah Palin, ignobly capitalising on the Honorable Outlaw Bikers' symbolism, plagiarise that into her extreme right wing, and extremely low-brained pro-CRAPitalist campaign.

No doubt, she has an office/bus-load full of legal mind-benders ready to attack-and-spin the hard facts around to suit their unintelligent lust for right-wing power-MORE-POWER over the People of the US of A?

Back here down-under, idiot right-wing political parties, polies and billionaire mining-lobby groups are screaming blue-murder against any sensible and wise Labor/Green government policies which address our completely unsustainable, indeed, outright evil white, western materialistic selfish culture. 'Carbon taxes' being the generic term adopted.

Such utterly stupid rantings by idiots incorporated and oligarchic inflated egos anonymous, paid by offshore mining and resources interests, ZIONIST interests, cannot be sustained for much longer, and will, as is already showing signs of occurring, begin to collapse around their necks.

While the right wingers may have been happy to wreak occult destruction on Queensland with the floods, purely so the ALP could not produce a surplus in the next federal budget, their short-sightedness will bring them undone, as Howard's abuse of the occult eventually came back to haunt him and the Liberals in 2010.

But, as our media, Murdoch's FOX and the ABC seem almost to have 'swapped sides', there is growing support, a surge in support for the government's eminently sensible 'carbon tax', from all sides and factions of the shit-pit, and the media cannot ignore it, and that the approach to pollution etc, has to change.

This, it is easy to predict, will spell the demise of the hubristic and farcical 'Tiny Habit' er - Tony Abbott, leader of the federal Liberal Party, which may hit in just days from now.

Of the last few days, media is reporting that the Liberal/Nationals are in chaos, with alleged infighting occurring, and dissent within the ranks. This will add-up also, to the detriment, and with luck, or Proper Direction, the expulsion of Abbott from the chair he has never deserved, 'Rhode's Scholar' or not.

That he could have ever climbed into that leadership position indicates just how fucking stupid the Liberal supporters are - a given - as well as showing just how lacking the right wing parties are in credible, meritorious candidates.

However, as corrupt as our politics is in Astrayliar, it's just as likely that the Liberal party room votes and results and publicity was a total crock, and that Abbott was foisted into the chair by a desperate Zionist cabal of Murdoch and coy, merely to give a face to the covert fools party. (As Malcolm Turnbull was/is a bit too 'in-yer-face' bullish for the right wing softcocks of Sinny's north shore, and as he is a known Advocate for '...the most honest - property - tax...', offshore Zionists incorporated, no shortage of whom live, work, speculate on land sales and loiter around the 'upclub' 'burbs of Canberra, just couldn't stomach him. Indeed, that little city is but one offshore temple of doom for any REALPolitik Australian aspirations, such as a Republic!)

This, the accumulation of exposes and leaks of the bullshit inside the Liberal/National parties,S can only accumulate from here to the next federal election, until the Liberal/National coalition are totally discredited and guaranteed losers come the next federal poll.

It may also translate as a boon for the partner-in-government, the Greens, but surely will give the Green light (!) for more Sound, Intelligent and yeah.., Wise Environmental policies to become law.

Whatever, Canberra, right and left, has no option but to heed the REALPolitik of this 21st century, and that the Greens, gays, servants of the British elites or not, are employing Intelligence, and simple clear-headed observation by demanding that they, in the big house of Canberra, and thus all Australians, have to change our evil ways, or the Outlaws with Consciences, will make the nuclear family house and low-lying suburbs, dust.

Kinda throws the 'evil' label so many Outlaws so Proudly wore, on it's head, aye?

Brings a bloke to wonder if Sarah Palin has had a 'Rode to Damascus' awakening......?

Nah! She's just a plagiarist!

Wouldn't surprise me though, if Tiny Habit showed-up on a Harley......

Late to mind, if Australia's federal right collapses, as expected, Bob Katter's concept of an 'Independents Party' may not be necessary. I don't think Bob would be pissed-off. Rather, he'd be far more able to sleep well at night, or when he's lolling-off in the chamber, methinks....?

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of
King Commo
aka Countryzen bin Eartha
aka Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth

Outlaw for
Education &


apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!

Tornadoes, Carbon pollution, Cultural Sustainability, Joplin USA, climate-change, extreme weather events, carbon output, News International, Catholic, Freemasons, The Law, normal, Outlaws Global,