
Viva Espania, but y' gotto get to the roots!

Just flung this onto the Indy Media website.....

110526Th Viva Espania, but y' gotto get to the roots!

From the article and the Manifesto of the "Democracy real Ya" it appears the Spanish PROTESTERS! are getting down to it, and voicing a Collective rejection of the ridiculous hegemony, as has grown in Spain and across the first world for centuries.

AND about time, we of the third, 'southern' world think!
Therefore, VIVA Espania! or whatever!

How similar are their demands, to those of the so-called 'Rebels' of Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Wadeye..., Et Al Et Al?

Getting to the ROOTS of a REALRevolution, demands a Unity yet seen - GLOBALLY.

However, along with that, now more and more possible, is for a CLASSLESS UNITY, where UnderClass, Working Class, Middle Classes, and those still with Ethical Intellects of the Upper Class, all-over, throw off the shackles of erroneous dogma, religious of course, but fundamentally erroneous, false, BULLSHIT ECONOMIC DOGMA, economic theory, and Collectively embrace the bottomline of Fundamental Land Re-Distribution.

This must therefore challenge most everything the International Monetary Fund IMF, and it's media cabals, have forced upon the world for centuries, and must have all of us re-evaluate our own beliefs and expectations, from having children, to taking money for any work which is not firstly 'Environmentally Sound', to how we expect to 'construct' our families, our Communities, and the accommodation designs within which we all expect to live, from this period forward, into the distant future.

This needs us to go to how we live in the environment - how we work and what we produce, how we educate the younger generations, and what Community and 'housing models' we inhabit.

This means we, all of us, from the pissed-off first-world upper-middle class Protesters in Madrid, to the Daliks of India, to the Aborigine everwhere, to the multifarious 'Criminal Classes', Gangs, and One-Percenter Outlaws, from 'Frisco to Moscow to Tokyo, Et Al, Et Al, have to work HARD at dropping the understandable, futility-ridden expectations of life, as we know it, and thus Armed with the Basic Economic Truths - that Proper, Equitable, Calculable, Scientific Land Distribution lies beneath all Human and Social Justice, get out onto the streets, as the many, many are doing, from Yemen, through the Middle-East, through Greece, Spain, etc.

Once such 'Manifestos' as the one in the article, from the PROTESTERS! in Madrid, include this bottomline FACT, of the need for Land Re-Distribution, and is picked-up by other Groups and Organisations across the globe, THEN..... We'll have the Revolution, the REALRevolution so many of us, and so many of our forebears, have dreamed-of, argued for, and as often fallen for, from our first advances out from over-populated Tribes, in search of new Land upon which to settle.

Personally, I shun the 'Twitterverse', the 'Facebook-olution', etc., but they are Powerful, and are there for us to use, to maximum effect, globally and Classlessly!

So, again... !!!VIVA ESPANIA!!!

And, GREECE! SYRIA! YEMEN! PAKISTAN! AFGHANISTAN! And-on and-on, all around the World, 'til we're all 'Dancin' in th' streets'!

We have also to get off the 'blame-game' off putting one or two individuals in the dock, other than forcing them to admit their misdemeanours, but also forcing them to name and shame the machinery, the ideological and economic mechanisms which induce, force them and us to accept the bribes, the corruption and the apparently insurmountable force of false dogma, etc, and thus - utterly fucking stupid, untenable, unsustainable lifestyles - seeking to satisfy the insatiable, merely as a band-aid over our, 'til now, unrealisable and suppressed self-knowledge. Primarily, that genuine, material-profit-free relationships are the 'Juice', the Essence, the Source of Harmonious and Healthy lives, Communities and now, Planet.

It's all there for the taking, Humanity!

Jus' got to, 'Get Y' motor running!'

