
Empiromania, or, KILL THE EMPIRE!

Here's a rambling, resigned e-ssay I scribbled today, rather than deal with in-my-face witches at the shed. All mental retards, if you ask me.....


Empiromania, or, KILL THE EMPIRE!

Waking late this mornin', I switched on ABC on my mobile, to see 'Ancient Megastructures' on. This one was reviewing the Iya Sofia cathedral in Istanbul, Turkey, built some 1000 years ago by Justinian, an emperor, I guess, of old Rome.

Enormous! A central dome some 55 metres high!

'Oh what a metaphor', methoughts, for the excesses so many large empires of the past, and present, attempted. And, perhaps most farcical, mostly to please the huge egos of the emperors, against their international competitors.

Sure, cred-where-cred belongs, such enterprises drew forth the advances in architecture and engineering, etc, which have been utilised in endless other projects, some of them actually beneficial to humanity's sojourn through time and space.

And, as it's all happened already-already, there's little point knocking what has been achieved through history, egomania or not.

However, it can't be denied that a lot of these adventures in this case, in architecture, were/are metaphors for the excessive desires and demands and thus, depletion of now precious resources, held by humans with too much power.

Emperors, versus kings, versus...... religions, versus... ummm...., the planet, in the end.

As life is full of 'deliberate coincidences', it has to be taken as meant to be, that I should watch this informative program, after yesserday scribing a 2nd e-ssay to The Guardian UK newspaper online, about the dangers of too big a central authority.

Case-in-point, on the Megastructures show, being the Roman empire.

What short-mindedness, what paucity of Intelligence, has so many people remain loyal to the Catholic church, an extension of the ancient Roman empire, and, loyal to western culture, no matter which the lesser cultures are, that have grown from that once fiercely centralising power of Rome, is really worrying, to a thinker, to one who ponders this weird thing called the Human Being?

Obviously we are in fundament, simple creatures, easily guided and lured by the most basic needs, perhaps first being 'security' for ourselves, which extends to doing whatever it takes to ensure security of those who support us, primarily, family, then the small clique of community surrounding our house and home.

When a monster like the armies of the ancient Roman empire marched through foreign regions and towns, threatening callous disregard for local cultures, and thus locals' abilities to sustain themselves, most of the invaded would have seen the writing or the hieroglyphs on the wall, and bowed to the soldiers demands.

Either that or being wiped out. Not really much of a choice, I s'pose?

However, as always, there would have been some, probably a small minority, who saw that the new force was not healthy for the better aspects of their local culture, short and long term, and so, would have closed ranks and discussed the threat, and whether and how to RESIST it.

Some things never change!

But, some things, like large empires, become so large that, like the exposed and faltering American corporations were labelled in the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, 'too-big-to-fail', and before post-Cromwellian Democracy and it's Proper demands of calling big government, big monarchy, big scum-sucking corporate thieves to account, large empires just stomped dissent and marched-on regardless.

The results being exactly what the whole planet faces today, and into whatever future we have left.

But, as the big empires of today are still fucking huge, there's not much we minuscule Warriors for Human Justice can effectively do to stop them.

I guess this begs the question of whether RESISTANCE is worth anything, in the end?

To myself, it is, but really only on my nano-minuscule scale, where away from having to play any game to be accepted by a larger mob, Mob, 'Integrity', in-a-word, is why I remain DEFIANT, against all-and-any calls to engage and partake of a United Resistance, or of any aspect of today's society.

In my peculiar circumstance, and I may be very wrong about this, but as the Cosmos determines that I shall not be 'in' any crowd, I cannot discuss these issues with others, so am left to decide, deduce, divine answers that most suit my body-mind-Soul's existence, and whatever is in store in the hereafter.

But being on this lonely road - correction..., alone, but not really lonely, for after figuring that this being's life has been a crock since conception, all apparently for someone elses' cult of desires and delusions, other people don't attract me anymore, even the most luscious babes, mature, wise and scrumptiously pertty, or any club of Brothers-in-arms, Et Al.

So..., being on this alone road, stuck between a crock and a farcical place, I think, I think I think, I choose to use the 'talents' I have, to broadcast the knowledge out to the universal mind, so that any with 'ears with which to hear', can tune-in and glean how best to FIGHT the scum-sucker automatons of 'big corporation', 'big empire', 'big government' etc.

But ALAS! An upside-down world it is, because I think that what I 'broadcast' comes from the universal mind originally, so my peculiar talents are not necessarily putting it out there, but the reverse - putting it in there, into other people's minds.

This, being focused on my own head for a mo', would appear to suggest that other people do not have the access I seem to have been given, to the universal knowledge base, where I seem to get the big knowledge from.

But once more, I have to insist that I am not anyone special, because I would be a very simple and even more stupid person, were it not for the immense number of Teachers I've had good fortune to be tutored by.

Teachers who themselves had been guided well to imbibe the Knowledge and Wisdom and, if it's still regarded as of worth today, 'Truth', what with the world of minds being swamped with occult surrealism, such that, as The Beatles sang “Nothing is real....,” therefore, there may indeed be no unchanging truth.

I personally prefer to defer to the Sages of all Credible Scripture, and accept that there is, perhaps only ONE, Unchanging Truth. Whence, I guess, all lesser truths can be divined.

However....., back to 'empires too big to fail'!

No matter what words are used to justify a government or so-called 'nation' 'expanding', in the end, and usually a tragic end, expansionist, colonialist empires are pure egomania, in which the ruling elite seem to, for clear lack of Wisdom to find contentment in the Moment and in 'what they/we have on hand', think that they are better, 'righter' and thus more deserving of ever greater memorium and empire.

As said, no matter what words are employed to justify destroying Balanced and Happy Cultures elsewhere, even with larger, perhaps less-selfish aspirations-possibly-delusions, such as bringing an whole planet's people's into a unified mass, where communication, trade, integration and capital advancements are spread worldwide, so all can live easier lives, as we all know well is awaiting us, the global implosion of resource-supply, culture, environment and social cohesion, is extremely, I say impossibly hard to justify.

But I may be wrong?

Nevertheless, wright or wrong...., the evidence is out there (in there?) on the table, in the parliaments, in the laboratories, in the kitchens, in the hospitals, in the psyche wards, on the streets, and in third world shanty-towns, that big empire, exactly like big corporation, big government, big church, big military (but a subset of the others), and big ego, is an huge danger to the perennial survival of us, and them, and all the critters, larger and small.

So..., as the Markster Latham employed to win government in 2004, we are left with but few options than to turn adversity (of too big to survive) into Opportunity, by trying first, to collate the knowledge we have gained over all of our history, and refine the worthy from the dross.

So what, of big empire have we, which we find worth keeping and chiselling into the Rock of Future Sustainability?


Perhaps, that big government, is good, when it is small!?

Small in how it interferes with our lives.

Government in the perfect world, would be one which does everything to enable each of us to be Happy, that-is, settled in our minds, hearts and future lives.

Clearly that is not by being a ruthless, mindless, heartless juggernaut of military force looming down on us with threats of PAY YOUR TAXES!




All government should have to do, is ensure that the essential utilities are provided, most economically, honestly, sustainably and cleanly, for individuals and Communities to freely and happily function.

So, as far as I can figure it, the first thing is to ensure we are taught how to be Happy with ourselves and with what is around us.

Essentially, a minimum of artifice would be necessary, as the longest, most Happily surviving Civilisation we know of on Earth, the Australian Aborigine, knew well.

Even the expansionist rulers of ancient Rome and ancient Britain (uptil today, still 'ancient' in their thinking) and their beliefs about the need to unify the planet in language and communications, trade rules and military foreplay, got it wrong, at least in how they determined they should go about getting there.

History tells us that other, cultures and kingdoms lived Harmoniously with neighbour nations et al, for extremely long periods, and knew each others customs and could communicate perfectly without hi-tech cables and laptops, etc, or with bigger bombs.

Most all of the expansionist follies of the last say, 3,000 years, have been because the rulers had lost the Purity of 'Knowing thyself, as the Self of All', if-I-may, and were captured to look elsewhere for Balance of their own Souls.

In biblicalsss..., the Hebrew's 'fall from the Garden of Wisdom' allegorically describes it.

So, now that the western world is on the precipice overlooking the financial abyss of disaster, so will soon likely not be able to so-loosely afford to finance military expansionism, those colonist nations are gonna have ta turn their attention back on themselves, and ask the hard questions of 'big government - small government?'

I'd reckon the species has reached about as far as we need to. We are now, more than ever, a planet of communicators, and we all, populace and rulers, know how to best employ capital, and resources, and human endeavour and abilities.

But while one party is stuck in 'contention-mode' against another's ideology, or culture, and demands that they are right and should be in charge, it's all down hill.

So, like I said up the page, the first thing we have to learn and instil, is how to be Happy with what we have at hand, and in mind.

Like the Wise Chinaman I taxi-ed across Melbourne years ago, who knew that the stability and Happiness of the child, was in their knowing that '...it is OK to be still in the mind', to think nothing.

In fact, as a Wise Teacher told me, “The Natural Condition of the Mind, is Silence”, and this is essential to begin with, before we are let loose amongst our desires, the breeding room of delusion and disaster.

Just like big empire, big government, big corporation, big church.....

Let's use Democracy to call-in big government, big despotism, and call the rulers to account, simply by correcting the fundamental LAWS of the Land, by making revenue collection and distribution LOCAL, so that some egocentric prig, thousands of miles away, cannot skim his unfair share unseen by and unaccounted to, those who pay the rent, for the basic facilities they need.


Clearly, big empire, does not a happy Humanity, make.....!

As for The Law, Think Global, Act Local!

The end of empire, has to happen, in systems of government, but most of all, in cult beliefs and allegiances.

From the outside here, it seems that the big two forces rallied against each other on earth, are the Catholics versus the Freemasons.

Catholics are correct to can the Freemasons for their incessant expansionist agendas.

But the Freemasons are correct to carry-on the war, perhaps first set-in-train by the earliest of the Scottish Warriors fighting the invading Catholics, King Robert the Bruce, and the Great William Wallace, because the Knights Templar were given the 'Key' to Eternal Life, as best as I can deduce, when they went to the Levant in their Crusades to re-capture the Holy Land for 'Christendom'.

The 'key' being the 'tricks' to opening the third eye, which the Catholics have spent some 1600 years keeping from the masses, so-as to be able to control the minds of the masses.

The Catholics are very wrong in their want to be the one ruling cult empire on Earth, and it's plain to me at least that the Freemasons would not have taken their war for their own sovereignty as far and as darkly as they have, against the colonist, expansionist, all-conquering 'big cult' Catholics over the last 1,000 years, if the Catholics were not so stubborn, so hypnotised, and it has to be said 'lost' to the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, in J.C's terms.

And, while I'm using JC, the church has to 'fess-up' and admit that Jesus ben Joseph was a Witch-Priest, with 'Shamanic' Powers, gifted upon him by his Magi Rabbis, perhaps John the baptist, and others through JC's youth and upbringing.

Clearly also, he was conceived for that purpose, being as he was, an illegitimate child - a bastard - like the fabled 'Merlin' of ancient Wales was, and, like I am.

The messages he and other Witch-Priests were conceived to transmit to their Peoples, and today to the wider world, is two-fold I reckon, and clear and simple truths.

We are all the same in Spiritual terms, and all have the right but also the most important Duty, Responsibility to our higher Self to live True, according to the Perennial Principles of what I've called 'Environmental Law'. Or, 'the Law of the Land'.

But while big empire and big cult treats us with distain, by forcing us to abide by untrue even demonic laws, we cannot 'be True', therefore, it is Duty to RESIST, to DEFY those heinous demands of foreign, psycho-pathological powers, however we can.

If that's by Uniting and organising our communities and clubs into Wisdom-seeking orders, using the Proper tools of our divine minds, through awakening our Intellect, all the better and all the safer.

This requires precise and long-known rules and disciplines, and is summed-up as 'Philosophy'. 'Love of Wisdom'.

'Wealth' as we worship it today, is corruption, and is why we, as a species have fallen into the big black ditch of chaos and ignorance.

But always, some cannot find the Group, and some are left out in the cold of insanely violent suburban and domestic nightmares. Caused also by BAD LAND LAWS.

Therefore, knowing their tight situation, they too, have a right and a Duty, to DEFY idiotic social, cultural demands however they can.

And, the police have no right to oppress the victims of bad laws, or come down hard on someone who acts-out.

But it would be great if those Outlaws, organised, or 'loose-cannons' and 'wild-cards', could keep in mind the Higher Cause, or Goal, and remember that they are all capable of Better Things, for Better Causes, short term, and long.

Whatever causes us to resort to violence or intoxication or theft, it has it's own roots in BAD LAWS.

So all fights and Fighters have to hold high the Knowledge that the laws, the fundamental LAND LAWS, are crook and that all actions must be in some part, performed to correcting them.

Clearly, today, things are seriously out of control, with neither 'side' able to dispel the toxic misbeliefs and clear everyone's head of false and dangerous dogma.

But the knowledge is out there, and on the internet, and in libraries, and in the Better Schools.

All but guides to the Knowledge and Light of Thine own Self, deep within, buried in most western cultures, by hexes of long lost cults and all the spin they spit, day-in-day-out.

Until each person can clear their heads of the bullshit, they won't be able to fully grasp the True Knowledge, especially that which seems to be against the dominant false economics of desire.

Once that is done, and it is a constant, highly disciplined practice to keep the mind clear, the second Fundamental Principle for Good Government and for everyone to live the Good Life, shines.

Land Rent for Government Revenue.

'A tax-free holiday, every day of the year....'

And the Freedom William Wallace and his Warriors Knew and will die fighting the Catholic big empire for, for all Eternity.

I'm with Wallace's Mob..., of every 'skin'.

Big empire is dead....

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

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