
Has Anybody Noticed......?


Wrote this yesserday, but blogger was not happy, so couldn't upload it.....

Has Anybody Noticed......?

After a week or so watching the big money game, of the rest of the world, namely USA and Brit-Eurape, with little engaging interest, I wondered what might be said on Outlaw Junction, this overcast Sunday morning.

Trying to 'monitor' all the goings-on of global economies can be dangerous, for it easily draws you in, like into a down-spiralling vortex - a black hole - until your time and mental energy is consumed with each and every tiny little piece of info, whether one collapsing bank, national economy or, to excite the anti-Babylonian tendencies, the arrest of the head of the evil International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who now can't, in monitored detention in New York.

And the danger is that you are absorbed by all the little bits, most all of them, all things considered, insignificant and valueless, and lose perspective of how all of them add-up to make a big picture. A picture from which we are able to divine how things look for the future.

Sometime last week I heard on a news report that Germany is doing something like teetering on the edge of economic failure, and the government is having to think about asking the IMF, I think, for financial assistance.

Hohoho, I chuckled, mainly because Germany has been the pillar off which the rest of Eurape's failing national economies have been hanging, from which they have sought and been given economic aid to save them from drowning in the massive and unstoppable public-that-is-national government debt crisis.

So, if Germany is teetering (my word), then it is a given that the rest of Eurape, and I'd assume, Britain, is, in serious shit. Economically, of course!

We all know how brilliant the Eurapeans are at inventing something super-clever to get them out of a ditch, or a bottomless hole.

'War' for example, has for thousands of years been the way they have extricated themselves when things go arse-up.

Look at the first and second world wars! Perfect examples of how the over-populated, over-colonialist, over-plundering, over-consuming, over-spending Brit-Euro's saved themselves, and kept their hyper-inflated egos on top of the map, on top of the world and on top of the pile of shit they'd made out of their plunder of the rest of the planet!

But Oh! Then there's 'technology'!

You know, the devices created to make work simpler, easier, less laborious, less costly!

Of course, as we are all totally drowning in innumerable little and large hi-tech gizmos, from the pet kennels, from the childcare centres, to the bulldozer and weapons factories, most all of them initially designed, invented and produced in Eurape, Britain, or the Untied States (TYPO!?), but of IMF planning, farmed out last century to third world nations to produce, so as to put the rest of the world 'in the game' of supersizing their/our dependence on sources/devices of false happiness, we completely forget that technology has advanced to the hyper, all-consuming state that it now is, to the planet-destroying state, purely because of the endless insane feuding between nations of - you guessed it - Britain and Eurape!

Yes, remember? Technology has it's roots firmly buried in WAR!

Now, of course, with the most dominant tribes on Earth having evolved from, according to one in-depth source, the lost tribe of Israel, the tribe of Dan, whose name lives-on in Denmark, and several other more seriously over-developed Eurapean nations and regions, we might be correct to conclude that old Dan disappeared off the map of Jewish history so-as to go undercover and thereafter spend several thousand years doing the hard yakka the world needed, and that the ancient Jews knew was going to be necessary one day?

We might?

We might even connect these speculations with the old Jewish notion of being chosen by the god-witch who was hiding behind the rock on Mount Sinai when he sent an occult message to Moses to go up the mountain (“Go UP THE MOUNTAIN MOSES!”), and when he told Moses that the homeless, vagrant, landless Jews were the 'chosen tribe', destined to save the world from - from - from - what?

Argh! Elohim! Or Eloher? Or Elo-something?

So, adding up as much as this relatively small brain/mind combination can, all the shenanigans of the passed 6 thousand years has been singularly to save the world from the aliens?

Aliens which, or who, the Jews, or YHVH knew were coming, or, knew were here already, even back then!

At what cost? May I ask?

And.., where does the impending Eurapean economic crisis, of a resonant magnitude the earth's relatively recent Human incarnation of over-population has never seen, the one where even big-house Germany and it's sucker-fishies, the rest of the Eurapean Union, are swallowed by false debt, by over-spending on ridiculous war-games and over-invention for invention's sake - NO! For WAR'S sake, swallowed by their insatiable appetites for everything, but especially for fancy unreplenishable foods, and, of course, OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND, fit in the BIG Jewish plan of saving the world from Elohimmmssss.

Hymns, indeed!

Is there the slightest possibility that the big Jewish plan, plotted some 6,000 years ago in Moses' and Aaron's war-tent, of spreading their seeds out-of Israel and north to the Euro-continent..., and Scotland, to eventually drive the (indigenous Scottish) tenants off their lands so-as to begin the biggest land grab of all......, has gone off the rails?

Well.., I suppose if we read the New Testament, from the Jewish branch-office of Roman-Christendom, last book 'Revelation', we see that the predictions are that massive wars will eventuate, and after the shitfight to end all shitfights - Armageddon (outta here!), there's only going to be a pleasant 144,000 Humans left on the planet.

No coincidence that 144,000 is but 12 times 12,000. No coincidence that there were, and possibly still are 12 tribes of Israel. If, I guess, we include Dan's lost lot?

How many nations make-up the core of the Eurapean Union?

So..., of the current population of around 7 billion of us, there's only going to be one-in-every-50,000 or so of us left on Earth, after the big Arma gettin' outta here.

If we put a time on the big black event, and say it's gonna happen real soon, Australia will only have about 400 people left alive!

Shit! NO TRAFFIC! Forget stopping at red lights! And the speed limits?!


If y' can find a camel?

And think of it! The survivors will be able to wander into IKEA and Myers and.... FORGET K-MART... and load up the 'roo with all kinds of unsustainable furniture to fill the cave with!

Maybe, with luck there'll be a few shipping containers left to use as houses......

Now, about food....?

And laughter?

And that old chestknarle...love?

Do you reckon the 900 surviving Eurapeans will unnerstand the meaning of Respect, by then...?

How do you say 'Respect' in Frermanish...skee?

Holy Irreverence, Taxman? Who's gonna PAY THE RENT?!?!?!!”

If anyone within the IM-fucking-F is anywhere near SERIOUS about reforming that whore of Babylon, then GLOBAL LAND REFORM has to top the agenda!

NO “Ifs?”! NO “Buts?”!

LAND REFORM, scumsuckers!

Or the Demons of Malkuth will rise over your prissy-white Souls, and make minced-mulsh of the once, pre-western-colonialism, Holy Orb Eartha!


Not even 12 tribes will survive!

As for 'aliens'....

Recent astronomical searches far into the galaxy have found that there are a number of planets not too dissimilar to this one.

So why are there stories about aliens racing here for this planet's resources, when there are others?

Are the other one's occupied by smarter, more highly developed intelligent beings with superior weapons, or Wisdom enough to ward-off insatiable aliens?

As the British secret intelligence services and their predecessor elite secret societies have been deep in fucking with the subtle fabric of the Cosmos for at least 120, 150 years, using magic to undermine other nations' integrity and defences, and as the Brits it seems, are descended from the old lost Israelis of Dan's mob, is it not possible that everything those with their third eyes open see, hear, feel and have the shit-scared-out-of-them-by, from ghosts to lesser and greater manifestations, are but creations of other human minds, minds with either their own psychotic agendas, or those of their national or warped cult masters, and, with no control in such as ethics, to restrain their mental effulgence or 'ectoplasm'? 'Ekasa' I think, in Sanskrit?

Clearly, the 'cold war' was an out-of-control game played between sicko-Brit-Eurapean and other large, insatiable, megalomaniacal colonialist nations (Russia!), who were secret service spies because they had the occult sloshing around in their egos, and used it to fuck anyone who was vulnerable. Vulnerable to be convinced, by having their mental, discriminatory faculties dulled to sleep, and entranced by the scummy-agents to see, hear, feel and have the shit-scared-out-of-them into believing anything the agents wanted them to, such as that aliens are here and are threatening to wipe us out?

Clearly? “Nothing is real” sang the Great John Lennon and The Beatles.

Pretty much exactly how I see things now, from my own mythological background, to the future for Germany and the rest of us.

Therefore...., clearly nothing is real in Astrayliar's politrix, or in our society in general, going by the enormously errant beliefs and practices in this nations medical and health system, in what we are sold as 'food', if I can extend this paragraph to include the line from Hippocrates, the founder of western medicine, which says, “Let thy food be thy medicine, and let thy medicine be thy food”, (therefore..., why all the pills???), so waxing-on about government policy or economics here is like trying to jump over the ban ki moon.

Hahaha, and a hohoho!

If anything makes sense, it may be that Eurape and Britain are the enemies of the rest of the world.....

What might the unemployed upper class protesters in Madrid camping in del squaro have to say about THAT?

Does it inspiro themo to a protestavita for some more Honourable, more globally ethical, Genuinely Humane economic reforms, so that Armageddona can be avoided?

Ha! Yeah....!

Meanwhile, the Grand Prix, and the Tour de France, and 'the world game', and the cricket, and the 'war' in Afghanistan, and the Wall Street stock market bullshit keep kicking the balls out of the 95% remainder of the species, and of the future, regardless of what's going on beyond their minuscule, white, Catholic (and Protestant), spoiled, over-consumptive insatiable comfort zones. And - OTHER PEOPLE'S LAND - er- real estate investments....

Oh! and not forgetting the cattle industries!



All for a nuclear family home!

Makes sense, aye!?

And in the background....

Gettin' a taste of it? As we're going under going under!”

This is not my beautiful house!?

This is not my beautiful wife!?”

we're on the road to no-where.....!”


Argh? That Honorable German group!”

All Praise the Musicians, who are the Prophets of our times!

No matter whence they come!

And..., Long Live the Red Brigade!

Long Live the Bader-Meinhoff!

Long live anyone who stands up, prepared to die, against the tyranny of this short-lived Zionist Brit-Eurapean devil called 'capitalism', or more properly 'CRAPitalism'!


(A bit testy this morning....!)

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen Fighting for a Just World!

From the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth

Anchor, for

Outlaw Junction

Media Portal

for the

Three Wise Tribes












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apologies for strange text size or formatting..., spooks in the machine!