
Outlaw Junction News-Chop. Weekend Edition.


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Outlaw Junction News-Chop.

Weekend Edition.


Libya. Strauss-Kahn. Greens Rise to ReBalance of power.

Which to put first?

Strauss-Kahn. Breaking news, the same breaking news from last night's mainstream media, is that the prosecution's case against the ex-head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, on a rape charge and unlawfully holding captive a New York hotel house-maid, is falling apart, as the District Attorney is finding that the maid's stories have changed. Also, she is alleged to have also filed a false accusation of a similar nature in her home nation of Ghana in Africa. As well, there are allegedly unlawful claims made by her about her immigration to the USA.

However, apparently, witnesses in the NY hotel confirm that she was shaken and that her clothing was torn after she left Strauss-Kahn's hotel rooms.

Poor lass, whatever the case.

From here, weighing the influence of Strauss-Kahn, his connections with the International Monetary Fund, with the Eurapean 'Socialist Party of France', his expectations of becoming the next president of France, allegedly his connections also with the clandestine and extremely sinister cabal of the secret society, the Illuminati, and that coven's predilection to white supremacy, to delusions of grandeur, and to being allowed to do whatever they fucking well choose, therefore Strauss-Kahn's undoubtedly enormous and enormously 'proud' ego, we are unwise to assume that their counter-allegations against the house maid have any veracity.

As the mainstream media are the only one's I have access to on this report, we have to be aware that they will go with the IMF's call, which in this case will be to clear Strauss-Kahn, and thus denigrate as much as possible the housemaid.

History continues to tell us, sadly through our ability to remember reports from the past, that the mainstream media and of course the big corporate powers-that-should-not-be, ie., the IMF, tell lies.

Who was responsible for the '9/11' planes being flown into the New York World Trade Center, and the 'intel' about Saddam Hussien, and WMD's in Iraq, prior to the 2003 US invasion, recent cases in point.

History also tells us that most every powerful nation has achieved it's strength by lying to the masses, thus winning their support, mostly to go to war against Peoples who live on highly valued resources.

Therefore we have no credible reason to believe any of the counter-allegations from the Strauss-Kahn defence team.

They, and their affiliates, are expert at fabricating events and evidence, when they want to incriminate a foe.

Why on earth should the public believe the apparent evidence that the housemaid did make a similar accusation in Ghana, or that there are anomalies in her US visa, etc?

Also, with the endless wealth, thus power of the Strauss-Kahn side, it would be almost impossible for anyone to refuse their offers to corrupt evidence or to rescind their support for the alleged victim. New York lawyers and coppers no less.

Also, also, every 'middle-man' between to two sides is vulnerable to being compromised.

Ghanan authorities for example, would have NO choice were they approached by a pro-Strauss-Kahn agent, to do whatever the IMF ex-boss team demanded. Fabricate-fabricate, corrupt, invent, buy-off, etc.

So, the case rests completely with the strength of the New York legal team(s) and NYPD, to resist being corrupted, and to protect all on the side of the housemaid and the NY prosecution.

Whatever the facts, Strauss-Kahn, simply for being the person he is,

- as ex-head of a dangerously egocentric multi-corporate, multi-national mechanism, with a long history of being fucking evil bastards, the IMF,

- as leader, or ex-leader of the French Socialist Party, a party which, can, in REALPolitik terms, only be seen as seriously off-the-track from any Genuine Socialist thus-Ethical Ideology and practices, therefore is one seriously egomaniacal and mentally ill organisation, and as an extremely wealthy white, Jewish pro-Zion Frenchman, which Outlaw Junction interprets as being one extremely corrupt fucker,

is first,

- more likely than not to have at least thought of screwing the housemaid,

- second, more likely than not, due to his delusions of infallibility, did try to sexually assault her, and,

- for all of the above, cannot be trusted to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help him Buddha!

But getting the truth from any media, especially any of them under the sway of the Murdoch powerhouses, or from any IMF corporate legal team on this essentially vanity-centred situation, is going to be impossible.

Therefore, we can be sure that the poor housemaid, will be driven to despair and possibly much worse, merely by the weight of the IMF-type 'heavies', that Strauss-Kahn's ego, pride and career are more important to him and to any of his underlings and sycophants than any exposure of the perverted nature of those on top of the Human pyramid, and that the NYPD, and the New York District Attorney's office et al et al, will be hit with a huge claim for defamation and unwarranted incarceration, not to mention Strauss-Kahn's loss of face and loss of power in his losing his post at the IMF, and other ego-centric and totally corrupt thingees.

The latter of these, it may well turn out, will count as a huge victory by the Eurapeans, against the United States of America, furthering the east-Atlantians cause of retaking the Americas back from the valiant Independence-seeking Americans, as once more a possession of the whitefaced retards of Eurape and Britain.

Makes y' blood boil, don' it, Brothers?!

Whatever comes of this relatively small event, down the track, ferment will grow on both sides of the Atlantic, against the Strauss-Kahn-type oligarchs of the world, and with any Cosmic Justice, if it does exist, the Masses will one day overpower the powerful perverts who prance around as if they own the planet, and some semblance of Democracy will hold sway.

Assuming that is, that the fucking-psychos of Zion are also knee-capped and do not exact their long dreamed-of Apocalypse.

I hold no hope of that, because I have absolutely NO faith that the most influential humans, the 'let's put all our eggs in one little JESUS basket' Christians are too selfish, too stupid and too gutless to get off their fatcells and take-out their totally corrupt politicians and CRAPitalist corporations.

Greens Rise to ReBalance of power.

As of one day near now, the Australian Greens assume the Balance of Power in the federal Senate, that-is, in the federal parliament.


Perhaps it was coincidence, but last night I searched through Go Ogle for myself, Omaxa bin Eartha, and one hit was an animation on YouTube done by the more reputable of Nimbin, NSW, at Nimbin TV, of an e-ssay of mine, from a few years ago. Called something like “Omaxa bin Eartha on Righteous Living”, I entertained myself and watched it again.

I'd forgotten that the clever little 'King Broccoli' I was animated as, spoke in the video about putting the Greens into government, in the federal election of 2010?

And, LO! So it came to pass!

Beaudy Mayte!

So, now Australia has an Honorable Power in government, and in the crucial place of holding the Balance of Power in the Senate.

What this Wise shift does to the drOpposition parties spin-machinery we have yet to bear witness to. But one feels sure they will go into overdrive and accelerate the bullshit-making media to speeds hitherto-unseen.

Not that 'feelings' are all they are cracked-up to be......

To add to an uplift, a news item I caught on the ABC I think, as well, surprisingly, on Fox news, were exposing the leader of the drOpposition, Tiny Habit - ER - Tony Abbott as being two-faced, by showing video of him suggesting a few years ago that the government should introduce 'a carbon tax'!

How the idiot can therefore these-days stand before the media and parliament day-in-day-out and rabbit-on against the government's attempts at doing the exact same thing, is beyond me and any Honorable thinking.

Nevertheless..., in some sense of joy at these Australian political events and exposure, I was inspired to sing a few words to myself last night, which were...,

Oh, Tony, Tony Two-Face....

Do you use, two brands of toothpaste...?”

Weeks ago I wrote that his fall from the Liberal's top chair was 'only days away'.


How long he and his mob of outright liars can keep up their rhetorical crap, what with Wisdom taking the cross-benches, perhaps for the first time in Australian federal politics, remains to be seen.

But Australians might, just might, begin to hear and see a dramatically Higher Quality of politics from Canberra from now.

To all Australians who put-in to give Senator Bob Brown and His Warriors their Rightful Place in the federal arena, “ALL PRAISE!!”

I expect these national political improvements will encourage larger numbers of us, here and abroad, to get off our fatcells and work solidly towards making the planet Greener than it has been for some 200 years.

If Armageddon doesn't strike in December next year, or in the next decade, it's likely the IMF and it's filthy greedy mentally retarded corporations and traitorous politicians will be unrecognisable to today's corporate sycophants.

And, so therefore, as they are all gutless and mindless followers, not Pro-Activists, so will they, be unrecognisable!


As to whether the psycho-fucks of Britain, Eurape and the IMF, et al will have climbed-out of their greed-holes, and seen the light and STOPPED their insane over-consumption and it's related expansionism, I guess we'll have to wait and see?


Of the last month or so, I'd resigned myself to Libya being lost to that same 'northern' Eurapean greed-monster, and that Colonel Gaddafi was near being felled.

The so-called 'rebels' of Libya being fed weapons and motivation, no doubt in the shape of upmarket hi-tech toys from German electronics factories, etc., and from Italian Vatican mafia brown-paper bags-full of Lira-er-Euros, seem happy to betray their skin, their cultures, their traditions, their Ancestors and their leader, for the promises the IMF is plying them with.

All-the-while totally unaware of the larger carnage they are opening their north-African doors to, of a renewed Eurapean invasion and re-conquering of Africa.

It's pretty obvious that those north African nations along the Mediterranean coast, are in an awkward position, what with Eurape's insatiable need for more resources to feed it's psychotic culture, and the rest of Africa to their south, largely untapped of her natural resource wealth.

It's obvious that the Libyan rebels, are more interested in their own selfish gratification than thinking about the longer term security and thus sustainability of the African continent.

For if they did spend time considering the future for their own kind, Arabian or Negroid and both, they'd realise that they should be acting as a bulwark against any further plunder by Eurape, so that the rest of Africa can get their houses in order and develop the way they, in their Wisdom, would and should prefer.

Surely, anyone who can read the tea-leaves today, would see the short term forecast of the decline and longer-term extinction of capitalism, and that the Ancient Traditions of Africa will be known once more as fundamental to Sustainable living, from the northern shores right south to the Cape?

But the influence of the hi-tech and Judeo-Christian hex of Eurape is luring and powerful, and so until the economic implosion of the Eurapean Union, expected pretty soon, the People Loyal to Colonel Gaddafi, and those around and south of Libya, have their work cut-out for them.

I remain, nevertheless, Supportive of a Libya Independent from the terminal Zionist Eurapean scurge.

It seems that Libya needs support, even just in voice, in at least a renewed diplomatic push, if not also through some form of military assistance, from their neighbour nations, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, and those south, against the illegal and brutal NATO bombings and colonist intentions.

Because no-one on the African continent should be blind to what the whitefaced Eurapeans and British have in mind for Africa, once Libya is re-colonised by the NATO forces.

'Rhodesianism revisited.....'

'Ave a good weekend...!' from

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