
OUTLAW JUNCTION News-International-Chop-&-Hack-&-Tap


OUTLAW JUNCTION News-International-Chop-&-Hack-&-Tap

Hmmmm...? Looks like the shining stars on top of the oligarch Christmas tree are being dulled, with global moves to depose the Murdoch die-nasty from the uppermost branch of power and out-of-control!

Surely it's more than interesting that Eurape is drawing closer to the edge of economic implosion along with the USA, as all sides of politics worldwide are rising-up against the most powerful media house on Earth?

Is it because the Cosmos has it all predetermined, such that events of little-Earth's global proportions climax all at once, thereby effecting the most effective, most powerful SHOCK to our little world, down here on the distant edge of the great-great-great Milky Way?

Do these 'macro' events correlate with our 'micro' personal concerns and awakenings to the environmental and political realities, and of the powers we have hidden, by Catholic oppression and deceptions, inside of our own body-mind-Soul combo?

Is therefore, there a nexus between what goes-on on large-scales, like at the planetary level, in all arenas - economic, environmental, cultural, social, climactic and tectonic etc., - and our relatively minuscule individual minds?

Were 'Lex Luther' of the small-screen show 'Smallville' a real person, I'd wager he'd be able to answer “Yes!”

But in the reality, I'm certain that any Buddhist Sage would affirm this as so. (Not, of course, suggesting Lex Luther was-is a Sage!)

Somewhere in the tomes of my history, I heard something Buddha said, but have since searched for it without success.

He who controls his mind, controls the world!”

Therefore, if a majority of Human Beings, sought with all sincerity to control their minds, before trying to control their childrens', before trying to control their siblings', before trying to control anyone elses', before trying to control the weather, before trying to control events outside their own discursive mentations, if a majority all, for one extended period of time, sought and succeeded first and foremost to primarily SILENCE their own thinking processes, as a thrice-daily or more Practice, Discipline, Meditation, so that 'tempests' went quiet, so that people around them felt calmer, so that generally there was not so much insatiable, unsatisfyable energy, the root of desire to keep active, to get MORE, to go beyond ethical boundaries, does it not follow that such a United Effort by a majority of Human Beings to control their own psychic machinations, probably having to have Directions about one, or a short-list of objectives, effective in the world outside their own mind-mush, when they were not sitting or standing or lying in Meditation (there are things we all must do, outside those Precious Moments of Silence) as-in a list of Preferences for making a better, safer, longer-lasting planet, then...., events threatening to overwhelm us all would be reduced, becalmed, abate?

Apart from that being a ridiculously lo-ong qvvvestion, I have NO DOUBT, that the answer would be YES-YES-YES-OH-PLEASE-LET'S-FUCKING-DO-IT!

Less fucking too!

One raised by an albeit deeply psychotic mother who was commanded by her Catholic nun madames-of-magic, or wenches-of-witchcraft, to teach Hatha Yoga, from when I was 10 years old, from whom I did gain a deep appreciation of the Fine Yogic Practices, I was really-really Happy to see, about a month ago, the American east-coast Mob of Trippers all come-out and take-over New York's Time Square, not wiff petrol-bombs or crack-cocaine or riot-squads, but with Yoga-mats, and what, an hour of Collective Yoga exercises in the middle of the Square of New York-New York!

That pre-Christian-colonialism Peoples outside of Britain and Europe all had their own similar ways of offering Thanks and Respect to the Greater Realms, inside and outside their own bodies, both privately and collectively, and that the western expansion of genocide, culturcide and envirocide has done the most to destroy all of them, should signal to us, that Christianity, and Judaism have not in fact been about our catering for our Deities or Spiritual Concerns.

It should.

These recent post-fall cults have been of the material business, of awakening our potential in the areas of what we are capable of, in the material realm(s).

Sadly, most of these prove, in the long run, fruitless, futile, and often outright stupid and deadly.

But as always some good comes from most all endeavour. It's up to the People to determine what those benefits have been and are worth retaining.

Telecoms, from my perspective, might well be the best of inventions, albeit that they have most-all derived from our insane warmongering.

In 'telecoms' I include laptop computers and even what might be to many, a curse, mobile phones.

Bringing the Mobs together being what these inventions ultimately do.

Therefore, as things on the macro scales are falling into the big dark black ditch, on so many crucial levels, it's time a majority of us deployed, er-ummm, EMployed, our personal devices to Unite on a Spiritual level, by Collectively reining-in our trivial desires, at least thrice a day, to focus on calming our own, thus the global mind down.

'Thought-forms' seem to be what influence events on earthly and even on extra-terrestrial scales.

So if a majority of us let go of our minutia, and 'put-out' as-it-were, Strong and Positive Unified Ideations about sending unwanted concepts AWAY from our realm, other threats and scares might just also diminish.

If Guatama Buddha did say “He who controls his mind, controls the world!” then it is a Truth.

Therefore, a majority of us, Practising, with deep Sincerity and Discipline, control of our own mental ideations, toward a clear super-atmosphere, and spacial region around the planet Earth, my mind prefers to believe, not, unfortunately with an abundance of confidence, but you know more about that than I, that hostile interferences would be dispelled.

Think about it, but not toooo much....

Just DO IT!

As for Murdoch's News International....

Tha's all from

OUTLAW JUNCTION News-International-Chop-&-Hack-&-Tap

unless the evening news-chop-&-scan digs up more dirt worth chewing-on.....?

and here we have the


and with a quiklook at Go Ogle news, we find....?

No new media laws needed, says Attorney-General Robert McClelland

Herald-Sun (Hmmmnrrglglglmmm?! Not one of Murdoch's most elevated Melbourne tabloids!)

Mayyybee so? But that has nothing to do with 'aving a lookie into how much media, Murdoch media that-is, controls government policy, does it?

And.., this is about what we'd expect from a Murdoch daily.

And...., and...., here's a quiet little article just found on PS News site (Public Services News.thingeee)

Countries sign tax agreement

Costa Rica and Macao have become the latest jurisdictions to sign agreements with Australia to prevent offshore tax avoidance and evasion.
Assistant Treasurer, Bill Shorten announced the bilateral Tax Information Exchange Agreements saying there were now 30 jurisdictions that had signed such agreements with Australia.
Mr Shorten said the agreements provided a legal basis for Australia to exchange taxpayer information with each of the jurisdictions.”

Fantastic Bill! But what about all the other tax havens all over the globe, which act as cleaning houses for all the bent money? Bent IMF HEROIN funny, but reeee-ally nice feeling drug money they launder through HSBC and the BoE, etc etc etc!?

The idea is not before time, and the world only continues to slide off the economic charts while tax policies vary as widely as they do from one nation to the next.

Of course, no two nations are Honorable enough to agree on 'the most honest tax', of Land Rent for Government Revenue.

Not while the 'golden calf tribe' of bad old Israel retains influence, wealth and power on earth! In the Bank of England. In every office and loans department and policy section of the IMFffffffffff! In the World Bank! In your friendly Australian-owned offshore-managed BIG-FOUR banks!

So, the above hidden article from those lovely little chubbies in our-read-THEIR Public Services and news outlets, is not even a sherry glass of small beer, say whato, ol' chumsters?!

I frew the mouse up into the air and it landed at the Venerable Chinese Peoples' Daily webpages, so I read a few articles, found one down my alley, and sent them my forts (apologies for broken toof!)

Peoples' Daily

"The importance of developing game rules is self-evident because success and benefit are always inclined to accrue to rule-makers" (an extract from the PD article)

Yes, this was always the way of the British East India Company, or, the IMF since 1947, and of western power and corruption. But it most often accelerates the demise, when the balance between leading nations and provider-'colonies', reaches a one-sided extreme.

Exactly as is pending for the 'Euro-zone, and the USA.

National Economic Laws have to be balanced and unified from now forward into the future, globally.

China has perhaps the best promise of guiding the rest in this most honorable direction, as Sun Yat Sen saw in the early 20th century, by implementing a national land tax.

The sooner this is embraced by the IMF and all nations, the sooner the world's economic balance will be found.

I don't know why I bother doing any of this. No-one has to read the blog. I guess it's for nothing better to do.


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