
Outlaw Junction News-Chop ENGLISH MUGGERNAUTS Edition

110811Th Outlaw Junction News-Chop


Don't really want to scribe right now..., but ghosts of the BBC and other mediation networks drive me on.

An early view of BBC news reiterated the dramas happening as we eat breaky, on the streets and subways of Englandenenen.

More than 1000 rioters, who might more rightly be labelled “Justice Warriors of the Great Muggernaut” (a little imaginative this hour), have been arrested by English bobbies-in-bullet-proof-bonnets, in their attempts to quell the wanton looting.

But the item out of the English scenery that motivates my synapses to scream, is the video of the poor, upper-class Malaysian student, we'll call him “Malayan Mohamed of the Mugged” or “Mmotm”, who was captured on CCTV being helped up from sitting on the ground in a subway I think, by a couple of compassionate English Youth, who, once finding that he was OK, robbed him.

BBC news reported that the video of this tragic event went 'viral' on the internet, which seemed to give the BBC reporter's team cause to find out more about Mmotm.

One has to say, “what a waste of BBC time and money!”

Firstly, I gotto say, that it's a safe bet that the reason the CCTV video went viral is purely because those who heard about it wanted to see it so they could have a laugh! People who are naive enough to be genuinely saddened by this minuscule event, would in general not be the kind to want to watch it. Those who would, would quite rightly, think it was funny.

Gladly, most would also be relieved that Mmotm was not seriously injured, or killed, of course, but really...., apart from the event being sardonicly humorous, it is something of an amazing metaphor for what the English (and Eurapeans) have been doing to every race of people for centuries.

Bashing them, then saying they have come to help them, then robbing them blind.

There's not a nation on earth invaded by British and Eurapean colonialists over the last 519 years (“.....in fourteen hundred and 92, Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and since then it's AWAAAY WE GOOO!”) which has not been robbed blind.

Let's take Africa for example! Beautiful irony that the first helper for Mmotm was an African/English Bleck Fella.

There's not one nation on the whole African continent which is still TODAY, not suffering the aftermath of British and Eurapean invasion, colonisation and plunder!

And what did the expansionists tell the Africans first-off?

We're here to help you develop your country!”

Just borrow ziss few billion and invest it in our dams,

We'll charge you a couple of zillion,

through one of our dark little usury scams.......

It'll fail, but don't say we didn't warn ya!”

(excerpt from one of my REALPolitik songs “Everyone is mentally ill, Phil”)

Africa, but one of the regions of earth permanently destroyed by 'northern' expansionism and plunder, is likely to never recover.

Once the first world economies implode, as are set to occur in the very near future, every lesser economy will be left holding the can, and will have to make the best of what is left, while we can be certain, the north, Britain, Eurape, the USA et al, will explode in militaristic desperation, for resources to keep their own drones, clones, puppets and slaves somewhere near comfortable, living “the quality of life to which they have become accustomed”!

Which, by the way, will be impossible, apart from it being a dangerous, evil delusion of a totally selfish and stupid upper class!

So..., Mmotm, everyone sighs, relaxes in an English hospital with but a broken jaw, and now a reputation which will make him famous beyond every measure of merit, and as likely, an 'expert' on race, or class, or street violence, and a grand welcome once he is flown, no doubt by some corporate media organ milking his trivial non-story for all it's worth, back to his homeland of Malaysia. Oh! Someone's flying mum and dad over to England!

Of course, he could become a comedian? The video, was, after all FUNNY!

It's a sad, sad example of how trifling the day's media are, when it doesn't take a great breadth of knowledge to know that such events occur by the minute on inestimable scales all over the world, and with far worse outcomes than a mere broken jaw of a gentle, foreign upper class student-opportunist.

No offence Mmotm. You know what I mean.

That the BBC and other media have milked this trivial event as much as they have, lowers them to the muck-raking status of ooooh, Rupert Murdoch's News International, and to some of us, proves that the mainstream media of this age are but low-lifes of an anachronistic, demented and evil empire. An empire which might be called “Babylon” by the Rastas? An empire which sits snug and upitself in castles and high-rise corporate offices of Britain and Eurape's bankers and super elites.

(G'day, Cuz!)

But alas! Stock market shares this mornin' are once more, tumbling back down the scale of demented investment and crude profiteering, on the back of utterly insane western rape and pillage of the Sacred Mother Eartha, covering some 519 years, some 3,000 years since Rome starting spreading it's virus, some 6,000 years since Adam ate the apple.


No-one has any right to condemn the Lads and Lasses of England now 'Acting-Out' their disdain for the British economic and consumer system.

If none of them are given the airtime to fearlessly speak and elucidate their displeasure, then I will for them. Merlin, Jesus or a mere puppet of the psychos of OH!! Britain, or not.

But, no-one will have the right to force me to deny my Blood, of the Gunai Warrior Peoples of south eastern Australia, A Noble, Wise, Enlightened People, who were slaughtered by OH British invaders over the last 150 or so years.

On that fact alone, I Stand behind every Outlaw who rages on the streets, anywhere on earth, against the evil western, Judeo-Christian and Freemason culture.

You can put evermore coppers on the streets Cameron, call in the military, but you will never kill the Spirit of these New Breed of Rebels.

As long as you try, you will only succeed in increasing their, and a growing majority of Common Folk's anger and distaste for the false upper class you represent.

It is exactly YOUR approach and blind, golden calf tribe knee-jerk reaction to the Common Knowledge that your political class are the biggest criminals, which accelerates Armageddon.

Fundamental economic, structural, taxation and LAND reforms, are the only way you can make the future less apocalyptic than the course you and your blind henchmen are setting for the whole world.

You, David Cameron, and cousins-in-castles, the Windsors, and the rest of your upclub buddies in Eurape and the USA, can avert an otherwise ultimate doom for all of us, by acting now, for a change, for the first time in many generations, by doing what you have been elected to do, AND GOVERN, not the People, with draconian militia, but the economy, with Just, Righteous, Intelligent, Wise and SPIRITUAL LAWS, of collecting the Land Rent, for Government Revenue!

Simple, Pure, Clean, Sustainable, and for the first time, Wise.

It is symbolic of your cowardice, of your paltry mindset, that you fail to recognise that all of us are equal, and that all of us would be Honest and Good Citizens, were the 'system' the same.

It's an indictment upon your heads, that you fail to see that those who now riot and loot, would be the first to help others, if they knew that YOU, and your upper class gangs, were actually doing, not just saying, what has to be done.

No-one, from the middle-to-upper classes of all nations, is innocent, while they refuse to face the facts, the economic and psychological facts, about desire, about their/our own loose minds, and the dangers therein, to the whole organism of life on Earth.

These words, will echo in your heads, from here forward, and will terrorise you, if you do nothing Noble, Honorable, Just and Wise now.

As our own Australian Prime Minister Gillard said but a few weeks ago to our malicious, agenda-ridden media, “Stop writing crap!”

So to all of you, collecting your 30-pieces of silver for betraying the planet, and everyone's future, get a grip on your sick minds, and stop thinking, saying and doing crap!

That you label the angry youth “criminals” for acting as they are now, while totally ignoring the fact that the mainstream consumer marketplace players, business and corporate, political and media, management and ownership, et al, (not to mention the.... OH MY GOD! The PREISTHOOD!!!) are far far worse criminals, indicts you all for a long, long stay in Hell.

And, that can be arranged, to-be-sure!

England's Muggernaut Youth, may be but a REALITY CHECK, for all in the upper bracket income range.

Stop them now, with your formulaic, penal, draconian brutality and increased severity upon their lives and communities, and another virus will erupt somewhere else, soon enough. And quite possibly, much much worse.

Just watch the stock markets..... and Eurape's sovereign debt crises.... ETCETERA!

I shudder the think of the fear that must occupy your Souls, Cameron, Miliband, Clegg, Windsors, and your peers, and all who stand shaking behind you, fear which prevents you from acting with Honor, and Strength, in the knowledge that a Just Act from those as high in society as you all are, is more powerful than any invading force of demons, or aliens. Or a Murdoch newspaper!

As a strong person said, not so long ago, “the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!”

I could go on and on and on, with lines such as...:

I am inclined to accept that people become demons because they are deprived the opportunity to be Angels!

Angels are not softcocks, as some gentrified western religions would prefer we believe.

Angels are the Strongest of us, whether from the Heavens or from the Earth itself, Herself, for one, because they have conquered fear, and have come to have control over the mind, which is always under threat of over-thinking, the seed of fear, insanity, insatiability and overconsumption, etc.

That the upper class of Britain and Eurape, and in the rest of the spoiled world, ie., every upper class in every nation, cling so much to false, shallow materialistic lifestyles, shows how weak in the mind they, YOU have become.

What, therefore, qualities of leadership do you possess, enough to lead the increasingly frightened and frail peoples of the planet, and so, what authority do you have to demand an increase in brute force to quell the People's rage and discontent?

As you, Cameron, and your peers, Clegg, Miliband, and all in Westminster, who skirt around the, THE Issues, underlying today's riotous Youths' behaviour, but lower class expressions at the upper classes more sophisticated so apparently more acceptable, yet clearly, clearly, a far more devastating 'riotous' culture, of high-end games with the lives and resources and lands of THE PEOPLE, as you are so weak in your avoiding THE Issues, it is clear that you are unfit to govern, and that you are weak, thus, may very well be rightly regarded by the majority of your Peoples, as demons?

A demon being one who is not in control of their own thinking and reasoning faculties.

Therefore, the only way Britain's leadership can possibly redeem themselves, is to show Moral Strength, and embrace both your fears, and for the first time for centuries, the helm of the ship of state, before it and all on board are dashed upon the rocks of ultimate disaster.

But perhaps there is another thing you, Cameron, even Elizabeth Windsor and Coy, as well as all in Westminster, and Whitehall overlook, which is that the once horribly Great Britain, still, stands atop of the rest of the world, in what she, the United Kingdom, commands, and has influence over.

Therefore, it is all the more vital that YOU, Britain, GET IT RIGHT, and lead the way, before we are all dragged blind and afeared into which metaphor? An abyss? Over the edge of the flat earth? A sea-storm of proportions we surely will never recover from?

From here, down beneath the storms of northern over-spending, it is already too late, and we are all of us, doomed to drown in the waste of YOUR seductive opulence - a planet spinning out of control, balance and equilibrium lost, perhaps for thousands of years. Perhaps forever.

The Heavens, of which I am sure exist high in the skies beyond this tiny orb, will not remember your kind well, if you cannot muster the Courage, not far different from the Courage those riotous Youth displayed just these passed few days, to rein-in the blatantly out-of-control upper classes and their excessive habits and lifestyles.

Excessive habits and lifestyles that are the very cause which drive the impoverished and callously ignored Youth to smash shop windows and burn cars and curse and curse and curse the coppers, the politicians, the snobs who look down on them, for being exactly the same, but without the stolen wealth your ponses laud!

It is a Truth, that “clothes, maketh not, the Man!' Ask any Australian Aborigine!

It is then clear, that even while many of the Riotous Youth stole garments from fashion shops, they are the REAL Men, and the REAL Women, of Britain, beit that many are yet adults!

And that you, who garb yourselves in high-end vehicles and jewellery and attire, and talk with all the sophistication of wealth and spoiled upbringings, and hide behind utterly corrupt laws and law enforcement agencies, are but miserable and utter failures in the Finest art of becoming Mature and Intelligent Humans, of being the Wise, Strong, Immortals you all so claim to be, each morning in front of your bathroom mirrors.

Clearly, Cameron, your words of force and increasing police and legal restraint against these Youngsters, Youngsters who are as likely to be dragooned into a future military service to fight YOUR wars of over-demand and under-supply, are words which expose your weaknesses and fear, both which make you, AND Miliband and Clegg, et al, as totally unfit to lead the United Kingdom, now but a kingdom of fools, thanks to your elite classes ignorance of the REALPolitik of the times and of the New Day we all, not so long ago, looked forward to, in such as the Popularity and Hope of the First Bleck President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

If Westminster cannot rise to the seriousness of the times and of the current and pending crises, and summons the Will and Strength to do what is not easiest and for yourselves most expedient, but what is Right, and arrest the decline by arresting the true culprits, who have for too long so dangerously misguided Britain and Eurape and the rest of the world over the cliff, then STAND ASIDE, and let Anarchy Rule! Let Outlaws Rule! Let the REALPoliticians Rule without fear or favour, that we may for once, be all, ALL, bound by Just and True Laws!

For it is clear to all who have the Courage to think Honestly, that your beliefs and ways and ideologies and formula and excuses and distractions have failed, and, harsh though it may be, that you are all, quite, quite insane, if any of you so comfortably ensconced in your posh houses of parliament, whether in Israel, Washington, Westminster, Rome, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Moscow, or Canberra, et al et al, think that to continue your rhetoric and parlance and negotiations for one minute more, let alone until the earth drops from beneath us all, you will cure our worldly woes, and see us through to a new day of worry free times!


Quite, quite insane......

Arrest them all!”, I say!

Yo! The Robbin' Hoodies!

So.., enough of my inspired rhetoric!

Westminster has to face-up to the fact that times are a changin', and that without making the hardest decisions going to the most fundamental underlying LAWS of the Land, things will not improve, will get ever-worse, and this time, the politicians and upper class knobs will not be able to retire anonymously on their pensions and superannuations and shares portfolios to a high walled castle or to enjoy some sunny beach away from the riots and carnage, protected by pathetic police and security forces.

Sure, always, some will escape the rude realities, but they'll live totally without any dignity, always lying to whomever they speak, and slowly they will be known to be incurably insane, though they themselves may be able to mask their maladies from themselves.

Keep doing as the upper classes have become habituated into doing, and there is no future for any of us.

Hardly a dignified way to lead the nation, or the People or the planet?

Far, far better to die standing for the Wise and Honorable Ways, than to die knowing, and being known by all, that you were a coward, standing for false and trivial values.

Wisdom, makes us Human.

All Praise the True Philosophers!


All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of


Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth



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