
Outlaw Junction News-Chop WEEKEND ETHICS Edition

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Dar-DUMB?” Was the rising roar of trepidation in mind, as I scan Go Ogle news pages this Sat'ee mornin'!

Watchdog to probe Libs' rezoning policy


Here we go again, methinked!

With the Ted Baillieu Liberal government of land speculators back in power in Victoria, it couldn't have been long before the rich pricks restarted the Jeff Kennett Liberal party business of selling-off public land for their own greedy private corporate profiteering.

And there y' go, as in the article (link) above.

More troubling, to Victorians, and to most all Australians, though most are also so fucking selfish and stupid as to not realise the dangers inherent in such bad government management of public resources, is that the ancestor of the self-same Ted Baillieu, made the family's wealth from doing exactly the same, while he was (hmmm...? I have to dig out the tell-tale book “The Landboomers” by Michael Cannon, printed in the 1960s or 1970s, by Melbourne Uni Press) either merely a clever little immigrant land speculator, a banker, of one of the plethora of utterly shonky Melbourne “land boom” banks of the late 19th century, all of which scammed millions of 19th-century pounds-shillings-and-pence from the fast-rising Victorian “gold rush” population, only to go bankrupt when the world financial crash of the 1890s hit, and get away with, in many cases, Baillieu included, only having to repay one HALF-penny-in-the-pound, to creditors et al.

And, I have suspicions that the first Baillieu was also a parliamentarian!

(There were 240 pennies in one pound, in our old imperial monetary system, [12 pennies-to-a-shilling, 20 shillings-to-a-pound] before the dollar became our currency in 1966.

So, those evil land speculating bank board members, the most of them Victorian parliamentarians, often got away with paying back as little as 1/500th of the money they 'borrowed', from the public investors!

In some cases, mostly when the debtors held friendly relations with the courts, judges, British or Victorian colonial governments, etc, they had only to pay mere farthings, which was one-quarter of one penny!

And an amazing few of them were actually sent to prison!)


As is the case today, of course, the business, or game of politics, is the exclusive province of the wealthy. Then, a person (male, of course) could only enter parliament if they owned land, (ie., stolen wealth). And then, as now, the quickest way to make heaps of wealth is to speculate on land.

Ethics, Morality, Conscience (“Why is 'Science' in Conscience?”) be damned, along with everyone else, but especially the Working Classes!

As an aside, this question of learning about, and living an Ethical Life, is seen in recent media and Australian politics, as being actively fought against by non-other than our Christian religions, who are trying to have “Ethics” removed from government school agendas, because, in reality, they see that Ethics conflicts with their heinous religious education classes.

Religious classes which prefer, indeed, demand, that students accept the mythology of Christian religious garbage, denying their own Intellects, and to believe the draconian and anti-intelligent dogma of those false and dangerous religions.

This, upon investigation, educes that the Christian cults are so antagonistic to our awakening and developing our personal mental faculties of Reason (the Intellect), thus finding our own Path to Wisdom, Ethics and Morals, because they, the upclub religious schools and their clones, drones, puppets and slaves, - the students they produce - are employed in the least ethical, that-is, the most corrupt businesses and land-grabbing-and-raping occupations, and, worst of all, because the churches ensure obedience and allegiance from their students, by promising them a secure income ('30-pieces-of-silver', in one of their unethical corporations or professions of law, medicine etc.,) to afford their own land and housing. Non-of-which are environmentally sustainable!

So, this morning's “The Age” headline (above) rings warning bells in my little cranium, and should do right across that, my home state.

Indeed, slightly ironic that I read about this modern day Victorian government crime against Humanity in “The Age”, because that newspaper was started in Melbourne by one David Syme in the late 19th century, and was renowned for it's Ethics and for addressing these very same travesties of the most unethical wealth-creation and the ever-resultant social inequities.

But, further into the article of this morning, is the point of the Liberals hacking into the Absolutely Wise land use arrangements the Victorians know as the “Green Wedges”, where 'wedges' of Melbourne's suburban land were set aside by previous, forward-thinking Labor governments, of the 1980s I think, well before the current issues of climate change, global warming or environmental sustainability were in the fore of the publics' mindset, because the Victorian Civil Servants of that passed era, recognised the inestimable value of a healthy or “Green” environment, and instituted a variety of pro-environment policies to make safe the future for - future generations.

Personal, selfish, greedy ie., right wing, profit motives were not at all any part of the equation!

Indeed! Such Wisdom in government policy was integral to Melbourne City winning several times over, the laudable award of being voted “World's Most Liveable City”!


Today's ravenous, rapacious right wing pro-British colonialist Baillieu Liberal/Nationals are only too eager to forget the past, especially the WISE past, and any policies which might, especially if those Wise policies were adopted globally, have mitigated far more effectively, the horrors we all know we now have coming down the fast-track pipeline.

RAPE the Mutha! For all she's worth!” may as well be the Liberal/National Parties motto!


Like great great grand father, like tall but dramatically-less great great grand son?

Of course, the federal political Opposition parties are but a.... HA! “CARBON-COPY” of that disreputable disease that supposedly governs Victoria this election-cycle!

Damn, this nation is trash!

While Victorians struggle with finding Reason and Wisdom as their Guides to Good Government, preferring, as most white Australians do, treason, Victorians have, nevertheless, to get off their land speculation and selfish profit motive short-term delusional ideals, and PROTEST until the land speculation policies of their state government are eradicated from al government policy - and force them all to update to the 21st century of Egalitarian and long term policies.

However, I'm not saying the Labor Party is innocent or immune from resorting to land speculation just to stay in the game - nor our local councils and in the Australian federal political arena.

But it was Labor, under prime minister Kevin Rudd, who did what they could to support the Australian federal treasury's 2009 Taxation Review, which recommended as primary, a “National Land Tax”. Just what the Doctor ordered! But not, according to the foreign, offshore, IMF-centred International Labor Organisation, who ordered Julia Gillard to oust Rudd, in-the-main, precisely because of that Most Ethical economic move!)

Because, it is just 3 years ago that the planet's financial world took a serious hit and was sent diving into a scary economic crisis, the worst of which has not yet been realised, purely because of outright disgustingly corrupt government and corporate policies in relation to land speculation.

America's current brink-of-default, akin to Eurape's teetering 'sovereign debt crisis', are both, if we can get an Honest Economic interpretation of them, caused by BAD LAND DISTRIBUTION POLICIES!

The collapse of much of the US economy which brought on the 2008 GFC, if we care to remember, was in the property markets! SAME-SAME, as this flaw in government policy!

What chance, however, have we of hearing the FACTS from the global corporate, banking and land-distribution oligarch, the International Monetary Fund?


But, as said, the large majority of Australians have serious issues with their own dogma, fanatical, selfish, delusional economic, fascinations.

Fascinations which are the very preventative to their awakening their own Intellect, thus opening their minds to knowing and living within Ethical means.

Clearly, the whole planet is losing itself in this struggle.

If history tells us anything, it tells us that we 'modern', white, western Humans, are of such a fallen nature, of the last, say..., oh, 6,000 years or so, that we do not learn until we've been hit very hard by a very big shock.

Thus Armageddon!

Silly, isn't it, that such a calamity is actually, so easily avoided?

Sad, so sad, for all the True Philosophers, for all the Lovers of Wisdom, who have progressed beyond those ignorance-based hypnotic-trance dogmas of the old western Judeo-Christian religious schools of thought, or non-thought, and know that it IS NOT Jesus, we must become fascinated with and by, but as good ol' Bill Clinton spoke, “It's the ECONOMY, stupid!”

Soon enough, we will all know, that indeed, it IS the Economy, Economic Science in fact, and that we have been so terribly deceived by the most evil western corporate-religious cults of 'charismatic' magical over-confidence and no Wisdom, to let ourselves become spoiled, and thus STUPID!


But lastly, perhaps the saddest thing, about this Victorian corruption affair, is that this issue is being reported to us, by The Age.

So sad that once Honorable newspaper, The Melbourne Age, decades ago was forced to succumb to the evil demands of the most powerful land speculators, and makes most of it's income, the deal with the devil, to stay alive and in publication, by advertising their unethical, immoral, unintelligent land sales.\

So BRAVO! To The Age! But we waste time waiting for it's Journalists to be allowed to go the full distance and report on the underlying causes of the impending economic and global cultural disaster.

The online newspaper report has a pic of the Victorian Ombudsman heading it, because the Vic Opposition intend sending a report to him to look into the land deals rorts of the Lib/Nat state government.

Ho-hum! They're all of the same old schools! Anachronistic, dogma-based, agenda-ridden private Church schools. The political class, stuck in supremacy delusions straight out of the 19th century.

A tragedy it was, that the federal ALP Rudd government couldn't muster the forces of Good to push the Treasury's “Henry Report” through, which included that National Land Tax.

A tragedy it was also, that the push to destroy prime minister Rudd, and the ALP's Progressive Economic policies, was aided-and-abetted by a newspaper and media cabal whose big-selling newspaper is called “The Australian”.

No prizes for guessing who owns that broadsheet rag.

'Tis but an evil world......

Meanwhile, all news reports I can access are putting the Libya civil war and the Syria upheaval well before the bad stock market results across the globe.

It's hard to not see this as their wanting to keep us distracted from the globally far more important issues, of USA's, Eurape's and Britain's sovereign debt crisis.

However, as one later report told that the Palestinian Hamas party is ending it's 2-year ceasefire against Israel, we might add all the Arab world events together, topped-up with the doom of the coming global financial collapse, and arrive at the sum total being - Armageddon.

Not that I'm doom-saying.......

Just how I read it.

All Praise the Immortals!

All Praise the Warriors who have fallen

Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of


Omaxa bin Eartha

aka Max Earth



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