
Aboriginal Plea for Justice trivialised into SENSATIONAL NEWS

120127 Outlaw Junction News-Chop Plea for Justice turned into SENSATIONAL NEWS Edition


Rising early to get to the shed before the bridges go under the Queensland monsoonal floods north of Brisbane, “silly me!” I thought once firing-up the lappy and scanning the news.

Thought I'd get in a good day on the 4x4 hut.


News smacks me in the panbrake when I find that the True Fellas, and Allied White Fellas of the Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy were incited to PROTEST against racist comments by our less-than-illustrious federal Opposition leader, Tiny Habit-er-Tony Abbott.

At 12:20, Friday, I'm lost in the media ocean storm of articles on this PROTEST and related events, around Canberra. Abbott it seems, did not say such incendiary things about the Tent Embassy, though the 'net is being blocked so it's impossible for me to actually even read the words he spoke. (The whitefaced British here are maggots, no doubt.)
From early this morning, I began putting together my thoughts on this latest media storm about the Bleck Fellas, but by now, I've given up trying to get it down to any good article.

So, I'm gonna publish what I put together this morning, and hope there's some merit to it.

Here 'tis....

Abbott, clearly a spokesman for offshore interests, primarily of British and Eurapean mining, resources and other land-speculative corporations, had thrown an incendiary comment out with another of his blithe unintelligent statements that the Aboriginal Tent Embassy should be pulled down.

Foolish” is one word for his repeatedly stupid and totally inconsiderate, insensitive words.

Racist” in this case, is most appropriate.

At this stage, I haven't found footage from Australia's mainstream channel nine television of his statement. Inneresting that it was not found anywhere on Go Ogle news pages, while all the most sensational coverage possible, of the PM stumbling as she retreated from the event and PROTEST, was all over the top articles' space?

An impartial perspective on all of this, I think, would deem the reactions by the Tent Embassy True Fellas as totally Justified.

We cannot condemn the PM's security team for taking the evasive actions they took.

Things in Australia now are “delicate” in relations between the Aborigine Peoples and the mainstream political rabble, so to decide to evacuate the PM and drOpposition leader Abbott from the awards ceremony was a fair thing, albeit that the Bleck Fellas here are, and for 223 years have been remarkably passive and Wise during the genocide of their Magnificent Peoples and Cultures.

However, it cannot be ruled-out that there was, by some in the PM's security, a want to make the Bleck Fellas out to be dangerous.

From the footage and reports I've seen, the PROTESTERS hadn't gotten inside the white-fellas gathering, and were on the outside of the shatter-proof glass walls.

Yes, an assessment had to be made quickly as to the potential threats.

How close the PROTESTERS got to the PM and Tiny Habit, I dunno, while they were still inside the building, with the PROTESTERS outside, having “surrounded” the premises, making as much noise as they could, merely by banging their hands on the glass walls, and shouting.

With the recent announcement that the government would act to revise the national constitution to recognising the Aborigine as our First Peoples, you can be sure that a counter-attack would have been in many minds of our right wing polies, and of the basically right wing, security organisations we suffer.

With the conniving and collusion ever-going-on in high places, I reckon I can guarantee that this was an orchestrated counter-move to discredit the Bleck Fellas and their Supporters, so as to reduce public support for the revised Constitution.

That the mainstream, far-right-wing, offshore media, have made hay of the trivial stumble off her high heel shoes, it is clear that the deliberate emphasis on that, was making capital in favour of foreign interests, against recognition of the Aborigine.

Because, no-one can deny that the most dangerous people's in Australia are those white, non-Aboriginal, invader oligarchs at the top of the econo-political pyramid. Those, like Tony Abbott, who constantly put resources, wealth and offshore interests ahead of the Spiritual and Cultural Purities the Bleck Fellas are renowned for.

Well..., “renowned” to the Wisest Humans.

Let's face it, Australia in general, is not occupied in the 97% main, by Wise Peoples. And it shows in the comments and 203 years of persecution and genocide by the dominant invaders from - Britain and Eurape.

Perhaps the most tragic result from the whole series of affairs of that event is that the media latched onto the footage and reportage of Ms Gillard, as she was being, perhaps too hastily, escorted from the turmoil, stumbling, and thus her bodyguard, had to catch her, and, as she had lost one of her high heal stiletto shoes, in the panic, ended by actually dragging her to her car.

I know not how far he dragged her.

But as usual, media has plastered the media waves with the SENSATIONAL photos of bodyguard-nummer-one holding a tilted PM in his arms, dragging her.

How far?”, I ask again. Was it fifty metres? Two metres? Or did he merely catch her as she stumbled, then, once she regained her balance, held her close for the rest of the walk, run, rush?

One and probably more news outlets, even went so far, at this early stage as well, to introduce the “chiselled good looks” of the PM's bodyguard, and one I saw, brought in the concept of making him a movie star!

Comparisons and even clips from a 1990s movie starring Kevin Costner were up in the top of the Google news webpage!

That, is quite disgusting, and cannot be other than a base attempt by the anti-Aboriginal media and offshore corporate interests to take the emphasis off the Bleck Fellas Genuine concerns, and reasons - idiot Abbott's incendiary remarks.

On the other hand, I do concede that such diversions away from the whole shammozzle might have been pointing out how incidental the coverage has been. But it still distracts from the Aborigine's REALPolitik.

Nevertheless, this and footage of the actions taken by the PROTESTERS, will outweigh the reasons - the insensitive comments by Abbott - and the less-than-aggressive or less-than-“threatening” actions of the Aborigine, we can be sure.

Whatever..., I expect Abbott's stupid comments will be descended upon by the on-the-surface, “pro-Aborigine” Gillard government in the future, to show how much of a racist he and his right wing pack are.

But we can also be sure, that they will only use it for as long as it gives them media fodder, and thus possible increases in voter support.

The incendiary Abbott fired-off, will be capitalised upon, and as likely he will be asked to apologise to the Aborigines. But for sure he will do everything to water-down the affair, and, in typical upperclasshole style, he and his coven will “move on”.

It's yet to be seen whether the Aborigine can gain “mileage” from it all.

Aboriginal Elders from across Australia have distanced themselves from the PROTESTERS, saying they and their reactions do not represent the majority of Bleck Fellas.

Fair enough. I can't speak against these Wisest of us. They know full-well the Justifications for the Protest, and that it can be cause to up-the-ante in the ongoing battle - war - for a more egalitarian nation, against the clearly offshore controlled mainstream political classholes.

I guess the proof, as to how much Australia, as a People, as a nation, has in reality “moved-on” from the disgustingly racist, genocidal beliefs and policies which have kept the Aborigine in penury and third world status, will be in
- popular nationwide support for the revised Constitution to recognise the Aborigine as the First Peoples of this land, and thus,
- as due for greater autonomy - even Sovereignty
-release from the disgusting “Intervention” introduced by the previous Howard mis-government, from which racist Abbott descends,
- whether Abbott remains leader of the Opposition,
- whether the Gillard ALP government addresses the Veracity of the Tent Embassy and verifies it's right to remain, and to be listened to,

and whether more gritty topics, fundamental both the Aboriginal Culture, and to everyone being able to climb back to the True Status the white invader culture has reduced all Humanity from, to being once more, Human Beings, aka “Man the Wise”, by recognising that most fundamental Rule, we should all be knowing of, of “Sovereignty”?

It's so typical of the most brutal people, the white, British and Eurapean invaders, to slam the Bleck Fellas as threatening and violent, after the centuries of outright evil genocidal brutality the whites have unleashed across the globe against these non-white, Balanced, Wise, and in at least Australian Aborigine's case, Enlightened Nation(s).

With the knowledge constantly in mind, of the massacres the brutes from the north have inflicted and still inflict upon these Beautiful Spiritual Peoples, it should be quite understandable that the few who go the distance and Stand for a more Just country, and indeed, world, at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, get a bit testy, when totally unqualified, unthinking, outright idiots like Tony Abbott get airtime to say the things he does.

Having moved to Gympie, north of Brisbane, in WHO'S LAND?-Queensland, in March last year, I notice that there are a large lot of “Magpie” People hereabouts. “Magpie” being those with both white and Black ancestry.

From my minimal interactions with anyone, I gather that many, if not most of them, are well aware of the travesty of western culture, and that their Aboriginal ancestors fell Nobly to the guns, diseases, starvations, and cultural murders by the invader whites.

Most of them are so brutalised by centuries of white ignorance, as possibly peaked but a few decades ago in the extreme right wing WHO'S LAND?-Queensland Bjelke Petersen government, to be demure, passive and retiring people now, taking the humble offerings they can get out of this excessively materialistic culture.

But, even in these, generally fine People, I would guess, that there is still, and quite rightly, should always be, a deep resentment towards the white invader, not so much people, but culture, which has done so much damage.

Slowly, younger generations of the white mobs, are seeing the injustice of how the Blecks have been maltreated, and, what's better, is that they see the long term results of such stupidities, stupidities which destroy their own habitat, and therefore their, and their progenies futures.

With time, and Stoic activities by such as the denigrated “Greens” of Australia, all of us are learning that indeed, the Bleck Fellas were and are very much on-the-money (so much so, that they didn't need it!), when it comes to Respect of People and Country, and that they had and still have much to say and give, as “giving” is integral in their Culture, to the national debate.

That pro-genocide invader Tony Abbott fails completely to see this, let-alone admit it publicly, really disqualifies him from having any voice in the nation's capital.

But how much do his companions in the Liberal National party, and our racist mainstream media, stand apart from his bribe-taking views?


Lastly, as Britain's influence here is so entrenched, and as they deploy the most heinous methods to have their wicked way amongst us, as they have been scheming forever to secure their own interests, we have always to be on alert as to how much they do actually influence all parties within our political spheres.

I am quite convinced that the British “Freemasons” have infiltrated and dominated most all of our “local councils”, to the point where I estimate, while having no statistics or evidence, other than what I can divine from my now shallow Meditations, that a majority of the nations Council mayors are of that awry cult, and thus support the evils of Freemason land ownership distortions, such as those which are most antithetical to such as this article's focus - the Aborigine - and that this is precisely why one
- Kevin Rudd was rudely ousted from the PM's chair,
- two, why land laws and prices are rising out of the reach of all reason and honest peoples,
- three, why Tony Abbott made that provocative comment, to incite a riot, which the onside, right wing, foreign media could then use to denigrate the Aborigine, prior to a revised Constitution.

As Abbott and his fascists used media and bullshit to stomp Rudd, it's well within our capacities to use the same media, but with FACTS and Reason, to have him removed from parliament. For there is no doubt, that he is not qualified to be there.

Therefore.., to the Warriors down in Canberra, who are just a lil'-bit-angry at the bullshit up the hill there, you know I agree with you in all points and actions.

Backing down (to regroup and plan) might be considered “Wise” by some, and may be the best course of action, considering the media bias, and the attempts by the Freemason-dominant paradigm to fuck up the ALP's revision and updating of the Constitution, thus aid their illegal claim to our/your land.

But, I, had I a mobile home worth travelling in, would be on the road now to Canberra, to do whatever I can to support the Aborigines, and that would be a combination of Wise words and Wise actions, such as keeping a “presence” overt, at the big house, and at the British High Commission, etc., and perhaps as well at the Police HQ, ASIO HQ, etc.

May I suggest that a Call go out across the nation, for Bleck Fellas to roll-in to Canberra, to offer their “Wisdom”?

Lobbying all political reps HARD would be high on the list of actions, to not let this attitude of the right wing as voiced by Abbott be dispelled and forgotten.

And, lobbying the US Embassy, and others, could well be beneficial, especially if the broader considerations (of the global crisis) are made known, that the Aborigine is cognisant of them, and includes them, and your perspectives and on how Aborigine's Wise insights may go toward a long-term resolving of them, would be to begin with, listened to in your approaches for international Allies, methinks.

With the US Presidential elections coming, it would be helpful for both them and us to be seen to be active for Fundamental Human Rights and Justice, and that might just be in publicity regards support for the updating of our racist, unAustralian Constitution.

China, has it's ruthless tendencies, no doubt about it. But they are not of the western perspective, and do have long long relations with the northern Australian Aborigine, where Respect of each other was regarded as primary to Noble relations, etc. So, today, Aborigine should not be shy of approaching them for at least their opinion on these matters. They may need not make overt comments, but may well be able to smile in the right directions, so quietly influence things in a powerful and Proper direction, favourable to Bleck Fellas Cause.

While a bit of a toothless tiger, the United Nations is a voice, and given the weight and tactics the Brits will deploy to stuff the Constitution and the Gillard government's attempts, the UN is a voice to add Strength to the Cause.


White Fella, Bleck Fella, don't matta!

The point is, bringing into the “media sphere” as many voices and considered opinions as possible. Today, the Brits and their corporate perversions are very much on the nose, and are by far in the minority globally, even though the global media, their “elite” media can convert anything to their favour.

It's as if “UpRisings” are the flavour of the century now, and the old guard is taking hits from every side, and for that they are on the back foot. Even Israel is trying to correct itself, methinks. (and news just to hand - ISRAEL NUKES DAMASCUS! Oh well...., So I wuz wrong!)

But to emphasise that the old world of western elitism and opulence is proving to be bad bad very bad, makes them less blithe to Reason and Wisdom, and if the big view, with stats of the future prospects for all nations, is included in your local claims, the bigots of Canberra will have to listen.

Ever aware, of course, of the tactics the Freemasons and Britain's MI6 will deploy, to stymie us, I am convinced that Support, Honorable and Strong Support not just for the Bleck Fellas, but for a Just world, has grown significantly in recent years, such that the days of bullshit politrix is over, and the powers that be, are more ready than ever, to listen, and take-on the Advice such as the Wise Tribes offer.

Fuck the pin-striped suits!

While they force us to present in their costumes, with a “vault” of lawyers in front, they stay within their shallow, false comfort zones.

While they can do that, nothing changes.

So, your choice, but making their eyeballs wobble, having to negotiate with People wearing Traditional gear, alters their mental perspective too.

But Wisdom and True Facts, spoken Respectfully to them, especially in a public forum, with media attending, will give them no option but to act on your advice in the Right and Proper ways.

Tactics count for a lot too. Like any savvy Unionist, the “Ambit Claim”, of asking too much, is most effective.

Also, as the whole globe is on the brink of a massive failure, what with the “Arab Spring”, the pending collapse of the Eurozone, and the concomitant global depression, and other events showing that the upperclassholes can no more ignore alternate advice, this might well be the time for the most oppressed, who just happen also to be the most Wise - Bleck Fella - to keep their presence in the spotlight.

While I do ruminate about whether PM Gillard is but an MI6 plant, her Creds are High, and her history of her legal work is Good, as far as I'm concerned.

Also, on MI6, while it is known as a really screwed pro-corporate organisation, within it there are some, often high-up, who detest the ignorance of the dominant paradigm of western cults and culture, and have, remarkably, retained some elements of Reason, if not Wisdom.

Thus, an argument well put, as Aborigine is able to do, will not necessarily, in these days, be silenced by the scumsuckers MI6.

Personally, I'll never trust any of them. But you have the insight to know whether you should or not.

Keep an open focus. Absorb and include in your Meditations and formulations of confrontation, the bigger picture of how the world is turning upside down, and purely because of the fucked whitefaced ideologies and economic perversions, and never let the pricks forget that fact, when any talk occurs.


Fightin' Words!” has a whole new meaning, aye?

Hope these ones are makin' sense.....

Finally, it's hard to dismiss the chance that the whole affair was orchestrated, mainly by parliamentary (ie., from both sides) forces wanting to subvert and kill-off the promised reforms to the Constitution.

The media has gone into overdrive with derogatory articles against the Aborigine, which I interpret as their way of painting the Bleck Fella down prior to the changes to the Constitution.

I even reckon PM Gillard and coy are party to the bad press for the Aborigines, and that the over-response by her security was a manoeuvre oriented around making something of nothing.

These days, I trust no-one, but give the benefit of the doubt to the Bleck Fellas, Men and Women.

So, sadly, because I know white Fellas can have True Hearts, and can give to such worthy Causes Honorably, I am left to believe that at least some of the white Supporters who partook of the PROTEST, were there to make more of the situation, and thus made more of a noise than was necessary, such as the rumour that the ALP had called one of the Tent Embassy Mob about Abbott's comments, thereby starting a chain-reaction, which grows with each mouth passing on the story, eventually to have everyone really angry and ready for a violent battle up the hill at that restaurant.

I've witnessed antagonists/protagonists at worthy protests before, stirring up otherwise Reasoned and Balanced meetings and PROTESTS.

The extent of any Advances for the Aborigine through the reforms promised by the government are more than enough to incite the anti-Aborigine corporate classholes to pay heaps to otherwise politically neutral “ferals” “rastas”, private school drop-out “stoners” and others to make a ruckuss at such occasions which their media can capture and paint down the True Fellas with.

Sadly, dangerously, many who present at such as the Tent Embassy, promising dedicated assistance, are but puppets of the church or such, and without a mind to know themselves, will over-act to make themselves appear genuine.

Bleck Fellas know them, and what drives them, and know little can be done to clean them out. They know it's bad magic in the heads of those who come in....

What I wrote above, about PROTESTING outside Embassies and the big house, etc., “lobbying” and reaching O/S for support, probably still have merit, and may well be the better way to go, rather than letting unverified supporters getting too noisy at such as the restaurant yesserday, only to downgrade the Cause.

It was noted that ex-ALP NSW premier, Bob Carr is reported to have said today, that the Tent Embassy should have been “quietly packed-down years ago”.

It is never noted however, that he now earns a fantastic income working for one of the colonialist offshore (“banking” I think), corporations. So he's far more likely to say things in their favour than for the Aborigine.

Mind you, the NSW ALP, has always been the HQ of the offshore “rum club”, of the Brit-Euro-IMF foreign corporate interests.

That makes the federal ALP very suspect, of course, in regard to any sincerity over Aboriginal Rights and Reforms, and Recognition.

In the end, “lobbying” as I suggest, has severe limitations, as all embassies are upclub upperclassholes of the same elitist scumbags, all stewed in the cauldron of British agenda makers incorporated, and are far more likely than not, like private schoolies, to stab you in the back sooner or later.

But, the fight must go on, I guess. Perhaps were I closer to the action, and discussions, I feel more Optimistic?

All Praise the Immortals!
All Praise the Warriors who have fallen
Fighting for a Just World!

from the Traveling 4x4 Tent of

Omaxa bin Eartha
aka Max Earth


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